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Election Results

Dear VRA colleagues,I am pleased to report the outcomes of the recent VRA membership vote, held November 1-30, 2014.Please join me in congratulating and welcoming our incoming Executive Board members, who will take office at the Annual Business Meeting in Denver, March 13, 2015.President-Elect: Jen Green, Plymouth State University Secretary: Jasmine Burns, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Vice President for Conference Program: Chris Strasbaugh, Vanderbilt UniversityOn behalf of the Executive Board I would like to warmly thank all of the candidates for being willing to serve the Association in leadership roles. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the Nominating Committee: Jolene de Verges (Co-Chair), Robb Detlefs, Marcia Focht, Jeannine Keefer (Co-Chair), and Heidi Raatz, with special thanks to Robb Detlefs and Heidi Raatz for serving as election tellers.The following are the results for the votes on the amendments to the VRA Constitution and Bylaws:Amendment to VRA Constitution, Article VII (New): RELATIONS WITH THE VRAF: Passed with a 90% margin Amendment to VRA Bylaws, Article III: NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Passed with a 90% margin Amendment to VRA Bylaws, Article V: DUTIES OF OFFICERS: Passed with a 90% margin Affiliation with the Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC): Passed with an 89% marginMany thanks to the membership for voting on these important Association matters.Best wishes,Elaine

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VRA Travel Awards November Member Challenge - final total and thank you!!!

Dear all,We are absolutely delighted to announce to you that as of theclose of play on the final day of the our challenge yesterday(November 30), the membership had donated an astonishing $1390! Thatmeans that we didn't just meet our initial target of $850, nettingthat extra travel award to fund attendance at VRA33 in Denver, but wesurpassed it by $540, meaning that we will be able to make one otherTA applicant a happy recipient of the 'Member Challenge Award'.A colossal thank you to you, the membership, for your generosity.It makes us feel proud to be members of this association.The committee has been deliberating the many strong TAapplications it has received this cycle and will be announcing theoutcome to the VRA-L in the next couple of weeks. It's great that wehave not even just one, but two other awards to bestow this year, sothank you once again.Warmest wishes,Vicky & Jeannine 

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November Member Challenge - update and final call

Dear VRA members,Welcome to the fourth weekly update for our November Member Challenge.With just under a week to go we are delighted to announce that we now have a total of $1037 sitting in the pot, so as well as having earned that all important extra $850 award (the Luraine Tansey Memorial Travel Award), we now have a further $187 to bestow on a deserving TA recipient. Our challenge to the membership is to get that figure up with a final push, so before you disappear off on your holidays and spend your hard earned cash on Black Friday, spare a thought for your fellow VRA members and make a donation before November 30!Simply go to the VRA Membership ‘Join’ and select ‘Separate Donations andChapter Membership’. Sign in to MemberClicks and enter the amount ofyour donation, large or small (every little helps!) in the TanseyTravel Award Donation box.Thank you again for your generosity!Vicky and Jeannine (TA Co-Chairs)

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GREAT NEWS! And TA Application re-opened

Good Morning VRA Members,1. We have fantastic news from the November Member Challenge - we have reached our initial goal of $850 and an additional travel award (the Luraine Tansey Memorial Travel Award) for the Denver conference (in fact we've received donations totaling $937)!!!  A sincere thank you goes out to all of those members who have helped us reach this goal, your generosity is much appreciated.As per the terms of our anonymous donor, we can shoot for another $850  - that's just $763 to earn by the end of November. To help make this happen, go to the VRA Membership ‘Join’ page and select ‘Separate Donations and Chapter Membership’. Sign in to MemberClicks and enter the amount of your donation, large or small (every little helps!) in the Tansey Travel Award Donation box. If you are renewing your individual membership, you can donate via this form too.2. We are also happy to announce that we have received donations for two awards sponsored by our generous vendors.  Archivision will be supporting an international travel award in the amount of $1000 and Gallery Systems will be supporting a museum professional with a travel award in the amount of $700.  Thank you to Archivision and Gallery Systems!3.  In light of these developments we will be re-opening the Travel Award Application this morning and will accept applications until 12:00 PM EST on Friday November 21st.  If you were on the fence about applying, now is the time to take the plunge!http://goo.gl/forms/96FqOULrVOBefore you apply, PLEASE READ "Travel Award Rules, Guidelines and Tips” for VRA Travel Awards Applicants, and "Types of Travel Awards", both linked here as PDFs.Again a sincere thank you goes out the membership and our travel award sponsors.  We look forward to seeing you at a great conference in Denver!!!Jeannine and Vicky

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November Member Challenge Update

Good afternoon VRA Membership,We are entering the second week of November and our third Travel Awards November Member Challenge update brings fantastic news – your generosity has landed us in the 87% range of our goal to attain an extra travel award for attendance at VRA 33 in Denver!We have just $108 to go and no amount is too small - $2, $5, $10….  Or too big. Remember, any funds we raise beyond our $850 goal will be matched by our anonymous donor – so we could strive for a second award if our goal is met.How can you help us meet this goal?  Simply go to the VRA Membership ‘Join’ page and select ‘Separate Donations and Chapter Membership’. Sign in to MemberClicks and enter the amount of your donation, large or small (every little helps!) in the Tansey Travel Award Donation box. If you are renewing your individual membership, you can donate via this form too.Looking forward to next week’s update…Vicky and Jeannine (TA Co-Chairs)

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November Member Challenge UPDATE

Happy November VRA!This is the second update to the Travel Awards November Member Challenge.We are well on our way in our quest to attain that all important extra travel award for attendance at VRA 33 in Denver.Money up until November 1, 2014As you can see, so far we have raised $515 – fantastic job October donors!We are more than half way there and November has just begun. Don’t wait around, donate today: simply go to the VRA Membership ‘Join’ page here: httpS://vraweb.org/membership/join/ and select ‘Separate Donations and Chapter Membership’. Sign in to MemberClicks and enter the amount of your donation, large or small (every little helps!) in the Tansey Travel Award Donation box. If you are renewing your individual membership, you can donate via this form too.We need just $335 or $83.75 a week for the remainder of the period to meet our minimum - so a mere 23 grande lattes/week. So keep those coffee machines plugged in, and with the money you save, donate today!  NOTE: Any funds we raise beyond the minimum $850 will still be matched by our anonymous donor.And in case you are craving to see the video pitch again, here are Allan and Marcia to remind us of what this is all about: http://vimeo.com/109474497Stay tuned for next week’s update…Vicky and Jeannine (TA Co-Chairs)

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VRA Travel Award Committee's November Member Challenge - and they're off....!

Good day VRA members around the globe,As November comes knocking on our doors, here's a reminder to participate in the Travel Awards 'November Member Challenge'!Each week, we will be updating you with the scores on the donors, encouraging you (yes, YOU) in the quest to attain that all important extra travel award for attendance at VRA 33 in Denver. So without further ado....© Vicky BrownAs you can see, so far we have raised $100 - so a massive thank you, you early birds, for your contributions.To the rest of you, don’t wait around, donate today: simply go to the VRA Membership ‘Join’ page here:httpS://vraweb.org/membership/join/ and select ‘Separate Donations and Chapter Membership’. Sign in to MemberClicks and enter the amount of your donation, large or small (every little helps!) in the Tansey Travel Award Donation box. If you are renewing your individual membership, you can donate via this form too.We need just $150 a week for the remainder of the period - that's a mere 43 grande lattes/week or 15 "casual fast food" lunches. So plug in those coffee machines, dust off those lunch boxes and with the money you save, donate today! But don't just listen to us, here are Allan and Marcia to remind us of what this is all about: http://vimeo.com/109474497Stay tuned for more updates soon…Vicky and Jeannine (TA Co-Chairs)

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Are you up to the VRA Travel Award Committee's November Member Challenge?

To coincide with this year’s VRA membership renewal, the VRA Travel Awards Committee is delighted to introduce to you [drum-roll…..] the November Member Challenge!The challenge to us all, the membership, is to raise at least $850 in travel award donations from now until November 30. If we reach or (dare we even suggest) exceed this figure, we will be rewarded with an extra travel award in this year’s cycle*. This amazing offer comes courtesy of an anonymous donor who has pledged to match our travel award fundraising efforts, dollar for dollar, during the period from now until November 30.If we meet our target, the TA committee would like to dedicate this extra award in honor of the founder of the VRA Travel Awards, Luraine Tansey, 01/29/1918 - 06/18/2014.It’s easy to donate – simply go to the VRA Membership ‘Join’ page and select ‘Separate Donations and Chapter Membership’. Sign in to MemberClicks and enter the amount of your donation, large or small (every little helps!) in the Tansey Travel Award Donation box. If you are renewing your individual membership, you can donate via this form too.  Just think, if everyone gave the equivalent of two to three coffees’ worth….You can make your payment by credit card or check, and as long as you hit the ‘Submit’ button by November 30, your donation will have helped to secure an all-important additional award to support one of you, our members, in attending the forthcoming conference in Denver, Colorado.So don’t delay – donate today and help us meet the Challenge!Here are Marcia and Allan who will run through that with us once more http://vimeo.com/109474497(you can watch this again from the VRA Travel Awards committee webpage if you prefer)Keep watching the VRA-L for progress updates….Yours in anticipation,Vicky and Jeannine (Travel Awards Committee Co-Chairs)*(N.B. If we fail to reach the $850 target (but “No,” we hear you cry) donations will be rolled back into the Tansey fund and that extra award will evade us.)

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VRA Conference Travel Awards--Applications Now Open!

We are delighted to announce that VRA Travel Awards are available for attendance at the 2015 VRA conference in Denver, Colorado March 11-14.  The deadline for receipt of applications will be Monday, November 17, 12pm EST.  The list of recipients will be announced on the VRA listserv the week commencing December 15.A preliminary conference schedule with a listing of workshops and sessions has already been posted at: http://vra33.sched.org/ and information about costs is posted here: http://www.vraweb.org/conferences/vra33/registration/ and here: http://www.vraweb.org/conferences/vra33/accommodations/Before you apply, PLEASE READ "Travel Award Rules, Guidelines and Tips” for VRA Travel Awards Applicants, and "Types of Travel Awards", both linked here as PDFs.HERE'S THE LINK TO THE APPLICATION (also accessible from the VRA Travel Awards Committee webpage)You do not need to be a member of the VRA to apply for a travel award, but please note that upon winning an award an applicant who is not a member of VRA must purchase a membership.Please also note that award checks are distributed at the conference and as such, recipients will not have access to those funds ahead of the conference to set against travel expenses.In order to allow funding to go further, Tansey awards will be distributed according to financial need i.e. full awards (up to $850) may be given to some, whilst lower amounts may be awarded to others with partial institutional/ other support.For 2015, we are fortunate to have generous financial support from sponsors and funds provided by the membership including:

  • Two New Horizons awards of $850 each.  These awards are aimed at members in the following categories: solo VR professionals, part-time VR  professionals, geographically isolated VR professionals, VR professionals in smaller institutions, and/or first-time attendees
  • A New Horizons student award of $300, for a full-time student enrolled in an accredited degree program and considering a career in visual resources
  • Tansey fund awards ranging from $250 to $850 each

More awards may become available and will be announced on this listserv. Also, stay tuned and watch VRA-L and the VRA website for further details about the conference.  Please email if you have any questions not answered by the documents noted above.So don't delay - apply today!We look forward to receiving your applications,Vicky Brown & Jeannine KeeferCo-Chairs, VRA Travel Awards Committee

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VRA Elections and Vote: November 1-30, 2014

Dear VRA colleagues,

The VRA annual election of officers will take place online, November 1-30, 2014. Members will receive an e-mail from ElectionsOnline on Nov. 1 with instructions for accessing the ballot. Instructions will also be posted on VRA-L.

You can find the announcement of the candidates for the three offices at httpS://vraweb.org/election2014/, along with their bios and statements of goals. Please join us in thanking these colleagues for volunteering to be candidates for the positions.

We would also like to extend our thanks to the Nominating Committee: Jolene de Verges (Co-Chair), Robb Detlefs, Marcia Focht, Jeannine Keefer (Co-Chair), and Heidi Raatz.

In accordance with the Bylaws, the Nominating Committee has the discretion to put forward either two opposing candidates for a given office, or to put forward a single candidate for a given office. In either case, a vote by the membership is required. Please vote to show your support for the candidates and participate in the governance of the Association.

Also on the ballot will be a vote to affiliate with the Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC) and three votes to amend the Constitution and Bylaws. Article IX of the Bylaws states that formal affiliation with another organization and amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the ballots cast by those VRA members eligible to vote. The text of the proposed affiliation, proposed amendment, or proposed revision with a brief summation of the issues involved shall be provided to all members of the Association through an official publication or venue of the Association no less than 15 days prior to the start of the period of time designated for voting. This message serves as the official notification.

The SECAC Board has already voted to affiliate with VRA, and affiliation with SECAC would formalize the organizational relationship that has been active for many years. As many of you know, VRA has appointed a representative to SECAC for some time. This appointee represents the interests of VRA to the SECAC Board as an ex-officio, non-voting delegate during its annual meeting at the SECAC conference, and on the SECAC electronic list and in other SECAC publications. The SECAC Representative also informs the VRA membership of SECAC conference information, and as an approved SECAC affiliate VRA is entitled to plan and organize one session or panel at each SECAC conference. See the SECAC Affiliated Societies page for more information: http://www.secollegeart.org/affiliates. In recent years the SECAC Visual Resources Curators Group in association with VRA has sponsored a number of sessions at SECAC conferences, thus advancing the research and interests of the visual resources profession to an important audience of educators. Closer ties to a variety of organizations provide reciprocal benefits to members, and increased exposure through SECAC conference and website presence to diverse external communities helps illustrate and promote the expertise we offer in our field. Please see the attached document for the ballot text that will be provided on November 1 (VRA_SECAC_Affiliation_Vote_2014).

Regarding the proposal to amend the Constitution and Bylaws, there will be three votes placed on the ballot. Please see the attached document for the proposed amendments in their entirety (VRAConstBylaws2014changes).

Although the Visual Resources Association Foundation has been in existence since 2007, it has not hitherto been mentioned in the VRA’s founding documents.  This new section clarifies the relationship between the VRA and the VRAF.
2. Amendment to VRA Bylaws, Article III (added Section 4): NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS
In recent elections, the Nominating Committee has only put forward a single candidate for some elected offices.  This new section gives the Committee the authority to replace a candidate who withdraws his or her candidacy after the Executive Board’s mid-year meeting (usually late July or early August), but before the mandatory announcement of the election to the voting membership (which must be on or before October 15 prior to the election), if the withdrawing candidate is the only person on the ballot for a given office.
3. Amendment to VRA Bylaws, Article V (Proposed replacement Section 6): DUTIES OF OFFICERS
The current language regarding regular audits remains in place from a time when the Treasurer worked with a paper ledger and checkbook.  The requirement that an audit be performed every two years was related to each Treasurer’s term of office, to ensure that proper procedures had been followed.  Now that our financial transactions are handled through online banking and bookkeeping tools, our accounts are reconciled monthly by a professional bookkeeper (employed by the Association as an independent contractor), and oversight performed by a certified public accountant (also an independent contractor), there is less need for frequent audits, which are increasingly time-consuming and expensive to perform.  The proposed language change still gives the Executive Board authority to order a full or partial audit, and requires the Treasurer’s cooperation on this, but gives the Board flexibility to order an audit when it deems that this is in the best interests of the Association.

Thank you in advance for your participation in the very important election and voting process.

Best regards,



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VRA33 Conference Website Launch

Dear VRA colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the launch of the Visual Resources Association’s 33 Annual Conference website.  Thanks go to my fellow board members for their input and special appreciation goes to John Trendler, Public Relations and Communications Officer, for his creativity and hard work in making the site a reality.

VRA 33 takes place in beautiful Denver, Colorado, from March 11 to 14, 2015, at the Westin Denver Downtown hotel.  Early Bird conference registration begins December 5 so mark your calendars.  Access the site via Upcoming Conferences or directly here http://www.vraweb.org/conferences/vra33/.  Check back often for news and updates.

I would like to convey my sincere thanks to the record number of individuals who submitted conference proposals.  Program topics represent a broad range of interests:  transitional media, usability testing, digital humanities, image rights and reproductions, copyright, mapping and geospatial projects, new technologies, digital asset management, crowdsourcing, cataloging, embedded metadata, sharing collections, professional advancement, archives, research data management, visual literacy and visualization, etc.  (n.b., Submitters of accepted proposals can expect to hear from me soon so as to confirm your event’s details.)

Don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any concerns/questions regarding VRA 33.

Happy weekend,


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2014-2015 VRA Foundation Project Grant Program

Deadline:  November 5, 2014The Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) announces that the application period for its next round of Project Grants is open. This program provides support for projects that reflect the VRA Foundation mission to advance education, research, and outreach in the field of visual resources and image management.Two grants are available in the fall 2014 cycle with up to $1,500 to be awarded per grant. The funds may be used for stand-alone projects, pilots or start-up financing for larger projects, or for a significant component of a larger project. Collaborative projects and those proposed by groups, whether or not affiliated with an organization or institution, are encouraged. Of particular interest are innovative projects with results that can have broad impact and be shared with the global community. Categories to be considered for funding include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:Image Cataloging and MetadataData StandardsDigital ArchivesDigitization Projects of Special and/or Unique Collections (Educational Institutions, Libraries, Museums)Visual LiteracyPedagogy and TechnologyIntellectual Property RightsThe deadline for the fall 2014 review is November 5, 2014.  Awards will be announced by December 17, 2014. More information, including the application form, can be found on the Visual Resources Association Foundation website at:http://vrafoundation.org.s119319.gridserver.com/index.php/grants/project_grants/For consideration, please submit your application to Betha Whitlow, bwhitlow@artsci.wustl.edu, by Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 11:59 Pacific Time. The recipients of the VRAF Project Grants will be announced by Wednesday, December 17, 2014.The VRA Foundation has United States Internal Revenue Service status as a 501c3 non-profit entity. All elements of a proposed project must be performed within the legal parameters of United States local, regional, and federal government requirements. International applications are welcome from institutions or individuals provided applicant institutions have the equivalent of US non-profit status, and applicant individuals have a similar non-profit, educational purpose.If you have further questions about the Project Grant Program or the application process, please contact: Betha Whitlow, VRA Foundation Board of Directors, bwhitlow@artsci.wustl.edu, phone: 314-935-5256.

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Call for applicants (CTA, SNC, WCM & WTC)

Dear colleagues, the VRA Executive Board is accepting applications for the following positions:•           Communications Technology Advisor (CTA),•           Social Networking Contributor (SNC),•           Website Content Manager (WCM) and•           Website Technology Coordinator (WTC).Each is a two-year appointment with the possibility for renewal.These are great opportunities to serve the Visual Resources Association in the marketing, communications and public relations realm, as well as gain valuable and marketable experience to include on your resume or CV.Please see charges for the positions below. Attendance at VRA annual conferences is preferred. Send any queries or expressions of interest directly to John Trendler, Public Relations and Communications Officer, at info@vraweb.org. To apply, send an e-mail with a summary statement of your interest and suitability for the position, along with a short resume/curriculum vitae.                                    The application deadline is October 1st, 2014Communications Technology Advisor charge:The Communications Technology Advisor is responsible for assisting the VRA Board, Advisory Groups, Committees, Task Forces and Chapters in promoting and implementing remote communications technologies (e.g., teleconferencing, videoconferencing) to facilitate meetings and other events. In order to facilitate the use of communication technologies, the Communications Technology Advisor will also develop instructional materials (guides, videos, etc.) available to members of the VRA; and update and/or create additional instructional material when appropriate. The Communications Technology Advisor works with and reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.Social Networking Contributor charge:Engage in outreach for the VRA by regularly posting relevant, informative, or eye-catching content to the various social and professional networking sites in which the VRA participates. Encourage and respond to posts from VRA members and others interested in the Association. Collaborate with the VRA Web Technology Coordinator and Public Relations and Communications Officer as potential new social networking trends and technologies of interest emerge. Work with the Membership Committee on outreach and new member recruitment. The Social Networking Contributor reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.Website Content Manager charge:The Website Content Manager is responsible for managing authorized website users, editors and contributors, posting and editing content for publication on the website, and handling general website maintenance. The Website Content Manager works with and reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.Website Technology Coordinator charge:The Website Technology Coordinator is charged to work with the Website Content Manager, the Communications Technology Advisor, the Social Networking Contributor and the Public Relations and Communications Officer to investigate, implement, and integrate new technologies with the VRA website. The Website Technology Coordinator reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.John M. TrendlerVRA Public Relations & Communications Officerinfo@vraweb.org

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Visual Resources Association Foundation Announces 2014 Professional Development Grant Winners

The Board of Directors of the Visual Resources Association Foundation is pleased to announce the presentation of its 2014 VRAF Professional Development Grants to Mark Pompelia, Rhode Island School of Design, and Courtney Baron, University of Georgia. The amount of each award is $850.00.Mark Pompelia, recipient of the grant for Established Career Professional, is Visual + Material Resource Librarian at the Fleet Library, Rhode Island School of Design, in Providence, RI.  He will use the award to support his participation at the October 2014 conference of the Art Libraries Society of Australia and New Zealand in Auckland, NZ.  He will speak in the session titled, Steady as She Goes: Images and the Visual Resources Association: Preserving the Past while Embracing the Future, organized by VRA colleagues Victoria Brown of Oxford University, UK, and Jennifer Brasher of Griffith University Queensland College of Art Library, Queensland, Australia.  Mark’s talk will focus on the “expanded definition of visual resources at the Rhode Island School of Design,” which “has come to include all non-text-based collections and services for RISD’s twenty-two departments and administrative offices of the President, Alumni Affairs, Graduate Studies, and Global Partners and Programs.”  Proposed by the new VRA International Chapter, this session was inspired by enthusiasm for the opening session at the 2014 VRA conference in Milwaukee, moderated by Mark, which had a similar theme.  This is the first time a VRAF Grant has been awarded to an American attending an international conference, exemplifying the Foundation’s commitment to reaching a diverse and global audience with educational offerings in the field of visual resources and image management.Courtney Baron, recipient of the grant in the Emerging Professional category, serves as the new Visual Resources Curator in the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.  She is also working toward her MLIS degree at Valdosta State University, focusing on art and academic librarianship, with the anticipation of finishing in the spring of 2015.  Courtney will use the grant to support her participation at the 2015 Visual Resources Association Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado.  As a first-time VRA conference attendee, Courtney expects to bring back “much needed connections, tools, and ideas” to her home institution.  Among the topics she is eager to learn more about are “the changing and growing responsibilities of the visual resources professional, re-envisioning the physical space of visual resources libraries, and supporting the digital humanities.”  She would also like to see what collection management systems other professionals are using, since her goals at the University of Georgia include selecting and implementing a new database for their image collection, as well as an institutional archive for their School of Art.  Courtney states that although the VRA listserv “has been an invaluable resource” in her pursuit of information about these and other topics, she knows that she “could learn and absorb much more at the annual VRA conference.  I know I will put the experience of attending VRA to good use.”The purpose of the VRAF Professional Development Grant is to support professional development in the field of visual resources and image management.  In recognition of the differing professional development needs for an emerging professional and an established career professional, two awards are funded annually.  Please visit vrafoundation.org for more information.The mission of the VRA Foundation is to advance knowledge in the field of visual resources and image management and to provide educational and training opportunities in support of broad access to cultural information in the digital age. The Foundation advances awareness of important issues for digital information management; encourages the application of professional standards, innovative technology, and metadata cataloging protocols; facilitates workplace training; and promotes awareness of intellectual property rights and copyright issues. The VRA Foundation supports a range of educational offerings to help ensure that such information reaches a diverse and global audience.

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Call for 2015 Nominations: the Visual Resources Association Distinguished Service Award and the Nancy DeLaurier Award

Dear Colleagues, Yes, this is a busy time of year, but the Awards Committee hopes that you will consider developing a nomination packet for a very worthy colleague. We are prepared to help you accomplish this task. A heartfelt thanks to those of you who completed our Mini-survey in June. The information you provided is valuable, indeed. Thank you. Call for 2015 Nominations:  the Visual Resources Association Distinguished Service Award and the Nancy DeLaurier Award Each year the Visual Resources Association’s Awards Committee encourages worthy nominations from the membership for the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) and the Nancy DeLaurier Award (NDL). The DSA honors an individual who has made an outstanding career contribution to the field of visual resources and image management. The NDL, named for one of the pioneers of the visual resources profession, honors either a single individual or a group of visual resources professionals for distinguished achievement in the field. “Achievement” is measured by immediate impact, and may take the form of published work, oral presentation, project management, software development, technology application, web site creation, or other outstanding effort or project. Although nominations for the DSA and the NDL are initiated by Visual Resources Association members, the nominees need not be members of the organization. A nomination dossier should consist of a cover letter from the nominator(s) describing the nature of the achievement, the candidates’ curriculum vitae, and supporting letters and documentation. Electronic nominations via e-mail or a file hosting service such as Dropbox™ are preferred; nomination dossiers are due November 3, 2015. Members of the VRA Awards Committee, upon reviewing submitted dossiers, may recommend one recipient for the Distinguished Service Award and up to two individual recipients or a single group recipient of the Nancy DeLaurier Award in any given cycle. Recommendations are subject to approval by the VRA Executive Board. All nomination dossiers will be retained in the Association Archives. We strongly encourage co-nominators, and the members of the Awards Committee are prepared to offer help and advice. For more information including a list of previous award recipients, please visit the Awards page on the VRA website. We invite you to nominate a worthy colleague for one of these prestigious VRA awards. If you plan to prepare a nomination dossier, please let me know so that I can coordinate the process. With best regards,Margaret N. WebsterChair, VRA Awards Committee 

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Several new positions posted on Employment page

New positions announced on employment page, as of August 6, 2014.

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Call for 2015 Nominations:  the Visual Resources Association Distinguished Service Award and the Nancy DeLaurier Award

Each year the Visual Resources Association’s Awards Committee encourages worthy nominations from the membership for the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) and the Nancy DeLaurier Award (NDL). The DSA honors an individual who has made an outstanding career contribution to the field of visual resources and image management. The NDL, named for one of the pioneers of the visual resources profession, honors either a single individual or a group of visual resources professionals for distinguished achievement in the field. “Achievement” is measured by immediate impact, and may take the form of published work, oral presentation, project management, software development, technology application, web site creation, or other outstanding effort or project.

Although nominations for the DSA and the NDL are initiated by Visual Resources Association members, the nominees need not be members of the organization.

A nomination dossier should consist of a cover letter from the nominator(s) describing the nature of the achievement, the candidates’ curriculum vitae, and supporting letters and documentation. Electronic nominations via e-mail or a file hosting service such as Dropbox™ are preferred; nomination dossiers are due November 3, 2015. Members of the VRA Awards Committee, upon reviewing submitted dossiers, may recommend one recipient for the Distinguished Service Award and up to two individual recipients or a single group recipient of the Nancy DeLaurier Award in any given cycle.

Recommendations are subject to approval by the VRA Executive Board. All nomination dossiers will be retained in the Association Archives.

We strongly encourage co-nominators, and the members of the Awards Committee are prepared to offer help and advice. For more information including a list of previous award recipients, please visit the Awards page on the VRA website.

We invite you to nominate a worthy colleague for one of these prestigious VRA awards. If you plan to prepare a nomination dossier, please let me know so that I can coordinate the process.

With best regards,

Margaret N. WebsterChair, VRA Awards Committee

Margaret N. WebsterVisual Resources ConsultantDirector Emerita, Knight Visual Resources FacilityCornell University109 Iroquois RoadIthaca, NY 14850website:  ICCoop; http://sites.google.com/site/iminteg/phone: 607-257-3365email:  mnw3@Cornell.edu
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Nominations sought for Secretary of the Executive Board

Good afternoon membership!

The nominating committee continues to seek nominations of the post of Secretary to the Executive Board.  This seat will come vacant at the 2015 annual meeting.  If you are interested in getting involved with the leadership of the VRA, or know someone who is, please consider a nomination to the post.  The Secretary is in charge of conference pre-registration, keeps minutes of all VRA meetings and handles other official paperwork for the organization.  If you are interested in serving on the Executive Board, please feel free to contact previous Board Officers; they would be happy to share their experiences and reflections of their time in office.  The Committee encourages members to place qualified individuals or themselves in consideration for nomination by contacting one of the Co-Chairs.

Also, attached is the Board compensation policy.

For more information please consult Articles III, IV, and V of the VRA Bylaws.  The VRA Organizational Policies and Procedures manual provides detailed descriptions of each office and may be found in the My VRA section (you must login to Memberclicks) of the VRA website under Community —> Info: (https://vra.memberclicks.net/assets/documents/vra_policies_procedures2011.pdf).

If you have further questions please feel free to contact:

Jeannine Keefer, Nominating Committee Co-ChairBoatwright Memorial LibraryUniversity of Richmond, VA 23172804.289.8275Jkeefer@richmond.edu


Jolene M. de Verges, Nominating Committee Co-ChairDirector, Hamon Arts LibrarySouthern Methodist UniversityPO Box 750356Dallas, TX  75275-0356214-768-1855  Fax 214-768-1800jdeverges@smu.edu

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Call for Applications: 2014-2015 Visual Resources Association Foundation Internship Award

Award Description:The Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) Internship Award provides financial support for graduate students preparing for a career in visual resources and image management. The award grants $4,000 to support a period of internship in archives, libraries, museums, visual resources collections in academic institutions, or other appropriate contexts. The recipient will receive a stipend of $3,000 for 200 hours completed at host site. A professional development component of $1,000 supports conference attendance or attendance at the Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management. The recipient will receive a one year complimentary student membership in the Visual Resources Association.For consideration, please submit your application by Wednesday, July 31, 2014, 11:59 Pacific Time. If you have any questions about the VRAF Professional Development Grant or the application process, please contact Margaret N. Webster, mnw3@cornell.edu. The recipient of the VRAF Internship Award will be announced by Wednesday, September 12, 2014.Award Amount: The VRAF Internship Award will provide a stipend of $3,000.00 to the intern. Half of the award will be granted prior to the internship, with the remainder granted upon completion of the internship and receipt of a letter to the Chair of the VRAF Internship Committee signed by the internship supervisor and the intern stating that the 200 hours have been completed. If the recipient is not a US citizen, the VRAF is required by the IRS to withhold a percentage of this award.A professional development component of $1,000 is available to support attendance at the national VRA conference, other appropriate conferences, or the Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management. The recipient will be reimbursed upon submission of receipts and documentation. The recipient will receive a one year complimentary student membership in the VRA. The award recipient will be formally recognized during the Awards ceremony at the VRA conference). The grant is for use between September 12, 2014 and September 11, 2015.Eligibility: Applicants should be students currently enrolled in, or having completed within the last 12 months, a graduate program in library or information science, art history, architectural history, architecture, visual or studio art, museum studies, or other applicable field of study may apply for this award. Applicants must have completed at least 10 credits of their graduate coursework before the application deadline, or demonstrate an equivalent combination of coursework and relevant experience.Acceptable Uses of Professional Development Money:A professional development component of $1,000 is available to support attendance at the national VRA conference, other appropriate conferences, or the Summer Educational Institute for Image Management. The recipient will be reimbursed upon submission of receipts and documentation. The award recipient will be formally recognized during the Awards ceremony at the VRA conference.Application Deadline and Decision Announcement:Applications for the 2014-2015 are due Wednesday, July 31, 2014.The award decisions will be publicly announced on Wednesday, September 12, 2014.Guidelines and Application Procedures:http://vrafoundation.org.s119319.gridserver.com/index.php/grants/internship_award/How to Apply:To apply for the award, please submit the following:1. A current resume.2. A current transcript [this does not need to be issued directly from the institution].3. An essay of up to 300 words addressing the applicant’s professional goals, expectations of the internship experience, and any skills or background that might benefit visual resources. A brief description of the proposed project is desirable.4. The names of two professional or scholastic references with address, telephone numbers, and email addresses.5. Recommended, but not required: Host institution and contact information of internship supervisor.Application materials in electronic form are preferred and should be submitted as a single PDF file to:Margaret N. WebsterVisual Resources ConsultantPhone: 607-257-3365Email: mnw3@cornell.edu

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Good afternoon membership!  

Three positions on the Executive Board – President Elect, Vice-President for Conference Programs, and Secretary – come vacant at the 2015 annual meeting.  The Nominating Committee, co-chaired by Jeannine Keefer, University of Richmond and Jolene de Verges, Southern Methodist University, is actively seeking nominations for these positions.

Running for office is an excellent way to serve the Visual Resources Association, get to know more of your colleagues in the field, and give yourself the opportunity to grow professionally.  If you are interested in serving on the Executive Board, please feel free to contact previous Board Officers; they would be happy to share their experiences and reflections of their time in office.  The Committee encourages members to place qualified individuals or themselves in consideration for nomination by contacting one of the Co-Chairs.

For the first year the President Elect performs such duties as the President may assign until taking over the office as President. The President serves as the executive officer of the organization, oversees and coordinates the activities of the other officers and the committees, convenes the Executive Board meetings, and represents the organization.

The Vice President for Conference Programs serves as program coordinator for the annual conference, working with the Vice President for Conference Arrangements, the Secretary and the Public Relations and Communications Officer. 

The Secretary is in charge of conference pre-registration, keeps minutes of all VRA meetings and handles other official paperwork for the organization.

For more information please consult Articles III, IV, and V of the VRA Bylaws, which can be found on the VRA website. The VRA Organizational Policies and Procedures manual provides detailed descriptions of each office and may be found in the My VRA section (you must login to Memberclicks) of the VRA website under Community —> Info.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact:

Jeannine Keefer, Nominating Committee Co-ChairBoatwright Memorial LibraryUniversity of Richmond, VA 23172804.289.8275Jkeefer@richmond.edu


Jolene M. de Verges, Nominating Committee Co-ChairDirector, Hamon Arts LibrarySouthern Methodist UniversityPO Box 750356Dallas, TX  75275-0356214-768-1855  Fax 214-768-1800jdeverges@smu.edu

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