Executive Board
Xiaoli Ma
PRESIDENT (2024-2026)
Metadata Librarian and Head of Metadata Unit, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Will Fenton
TREASURER (2024-2026)
Senior Writer (Principal Gifts), Foundation for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Emily Smith
Collections Copyright & Imaging Coordinator, Oakland Museum of California
Molly Schoen
Visual Resources Curator, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York
Maria Nuccilli
Interim Assistant Dean for Discovery and Innovation, Wayne State University Library System
J. Emily-Anne Cartledge
SECRETARY (2023-2025)
Director, Imaging Center, Smith College
Liz Gadelha
GRANTS OFFICER (2023-2025)
Archivist for Digitization Services, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan
Nadine McAllister
OFFICER (2024-2026)
Digital Services, Brown University Library
Affiliate Representatives
Charge: To participate in the activities of the assigned VRA affiliated organization, ensure steady communication between the two, and seek collaborative opportunities.
Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA): Karen Bouchard, Brown University
SECAC: Jeannine Keefer, University of Richmond
Society of Architectural Historians (SAH): Jacqueline Spafford, University of California, Santa Barbara
Communications Technology Advisor: Meghan Rubenstein, Colorado College
Charge: The Communications Technology Advisor is responsible for assisting the VRA Board, Advisory Groups, Committees, Task Forces and Chapters in promoting and implementing remote communications technologies to facilitate meetings and other events. The CTA reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.
Chapters, Committees, Interest Groups, Task Forces and other VRA groups can request to use the online meeting software.
Membership Services Coordinator and Listserv Manager: Lise Hawkos, Madison, WI
Charge: The Membership Services Coordinator (MSC) serves a public relations role within VRA and is most often the first point of contact for new and potential members of VRA. The MSC provides quality public service to the membership. The MSC is responsible for the maintenance of the membership database; creation and maintenance of membership forms; creating regular and specialized reports from the membership database; communication (verbal and written, in all formats) with current and future members concerning available services and any attendant problems; production of financial statements and reports for the chapter bursaries and any other as required by the Association’s Executive Board; production of mailing labels as requested; processing subscriptions to the VRA Bulletin; entering all orders and transactions related to products and services of the Visual Resources Association into QuickBooks; co-managing with the Secretary all duties and responsibilities related to conference registration. The Membership Services Coordinator will report to the VRA President. The MSC also may consult with the Treasurer on financial matters. In the event that the President is not available, the Coordinator reports to the VRA President-Elect. Other duties may be outlined by the VRA President and mutually agreed upon by VRA and the consultant. Specific activities and tasks are outlined in Scope of Work.
Picture Licensing Universal System Coalition (PLUS) Board of Directors Appointee: Open
Charge: To represent the interests of the Visual Resources Association, and those of educational institutions using images, as a member of the PLUS Board of Directors.
Jobs Digest Coordinator: Dacia Metes, Queens Public Library
Charge: The Jobs Digest Coordinator compiles and distributes job and paid internship opportunities to all interested parties, highlighting the diverse nature of available positions in the field. The Jobs Digest Coordinator reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.
Social Media Manager: Open
Charge: The Social Media Manager engages in outreach for the VRA through the creation and management of content published to VRA social media accounts, increasing the visibility of the Association’s online presence. The Social Media Manager reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.
VRA Bulletin
Content Editor (Electronic Edition): Sara Schumacher, Texas Tech University
Production Editor: Otto Luna, University of New Hampshire
Charge: The editors solicit and select news articles, professional information, and manuscripts for publication, and plan and supervise the preparation, publication and distribution of the VRA Bulletin.
Website Content Manager: Caitlin Pereira, Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Charge: The Website Content Manager is responsible for managing authorized website users, editors and contributors, posting and editing content for publication on the website, and handling general website maintenance. The Website Content Manager works with and reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.