Call for applicants (CTA, SNC, WCM & WTC)

Dear colleagues, the VRA Executive Board is accepting applications for the following positions:•           Communications Technology Advisor (CTA),•           Social Networking Contributor (SNC),•           Website Content Manager (WCM) and•           Website Technology Coordinator (WTC).Each is a two-year appointment with the possibility for renewal.These are great opportunities to serve the Visual Resources Association in the marketing, communications and public relations realm, as well as gain valuable and marketable experience to include on your resume or CV.Please see charges for the positions below. Attendance at VRA annual conferences is preferred. Send any queries or expressions of interest directly to John Trendler, Public Relations and Communications Officer, at To apply, send an e-mail with a summary statement of your interest and suitability for the position, along with a short resume/curriculum vitae.                                    The application deadline is October 1st, 2014Communications Technology Advisor charge:The Communications Technology Advisor is responsible for assisting the VRA Board, Advisory Groups, Committees, Task Forces and Chapters in promoting and implementing remote communications technologies (e.g., teleconferencing, videoconferencing) to facilitate meetings and other events. In order to facilitate the use of communication technologies, the Communications Technology Advisor will also develop instructional materials (guides, videos, etc.) available to members of the VRA; and update and/or create additional instructional material when appropriate. The Communications Technology Advisor works with and reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.Social Networking Contributor charge:Engage in outreach for the VRA by regularly posting relevant, informative, or eye-catching content to the various social and professional networking sites in which the VRA participates. Encourage and respond to posts from VRA members and others interested in the Association. Collaborate with the VRA Web Technology Coordinator and Public Relations and Communications Officer as potential new social networking trends and technologies of interest emerge. Work with the Membership Committee on outreach and new member recruitment. The Social Networking Contributor reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.Website Content Manager charge:The Website Content Manager is responsible for managing authorized website users, editors and contributors, posting and editing content for publication on the website, and handling general website maintenance. The Website Content Manager works with and reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.Website Technology Coordinator charge:The Website Technology Coordinator is charged to work with the Website Content Manager, the Communications Technology Advisor, the Social Networking Contributor and the Public Relations and Communications Officer to investigate, implement, and integrate new technologies with the VRA website. The Website Technology Coordinator reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.John M. TrendlerVRA Public Relations & Communications


2014-2015 VRA Foundation Project Grant Program


Visual Resources Association Foundation Announces 2014 Professional Development Grant Winners