November Member Challenge - update and final call

Dear VRA members,Welcome to the fourth weekly update for our November Member Challenge.With just under a week to go we are delighted to announce that we now have a total of $1037 sitting in the pot, so as well as having earned that all important extra $850 award (the Luraine Tansey Memorial Travel Award), we now have a further $187 to bestow on a deserving TA recipient. Our challenge to the membership is to get that figure up with a final push, so before you disappear off on your holidays and spend your hard earned cash on Black Friday, spare a thought for your fellow VRA members and make a donation before November 30!Simply go to the VRA Membership ‘Join’ and select ‘Separate Donations andChapter Membership’. Sign in to MemberClicks and enter the amount ofyour donation, large or small (every little helps!) in the TanseyTravel Award Donation box.Thank you again for your generosity!Vicky and Jeannine (TA Co-Chairs)


VRA Travel Awards November Member Challenge - final total and thank you!!!


GREAT NEWS! And TA Application re-opened