Meet Our New Social Media Manager

Dear VRA Colleagues,

On behalf of the VRA Executive Board, it is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of Devon Murphy to the role of Social Media Manager.  Devon is a recent graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she received an MA/MSIS in Art History and Information Science.  She is a VREPS member and the recipient of a New Horizons Student Award and Tansey Top-Up Award to attend VRA LA 2019.  During the Lightning Round, she presented The Information Worlds of Art Museum Curators and Registrars.

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Devon Murphy in front of the House Undergraduate Library during its display of “Right Angles” by Chapel Hill artist Mary Carter.

Devon brings a vast knowledge of social media platforms to her new role.  She worked for three years at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Libraries and at the UNC Writing and Learning Center, creating visual and video content for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and utilizing social media management tools to schedule and publish content.  The Board is especially excited about Devon's expressed interest in broadening the VRA's group of partner organizations via social media and encouraging cross-pollination and a diversity of voices.  Devon will officially begin her new role on July 1, 2019.

This announcement would not be complete without acknowledging the hard work and dedication of our current social media appointee, Kendra Werst.  Kendra has done an exceptional job during her two-year term, growing and elevating the social media presence of the VRA.  Please accept our sincerest thanks.

Kendra and Devon are excellent examples of newer members sharing their talents and energy with the VRA, while gaining important, resume-building skills and expanding their professional networks.  The Board welcomes all members, new and old, to stake a claim in the organization!

All best wishes,
Amy McKenna
VRA Public Relations and Communications Officer


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