Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) announces 2019 Project Grant recipient

The Board of Directors of the Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) is pleased to present the 2019 VRAF Project Grant in the amount of $3000 to Arden Kirkland, creator of the CostumeCore Toolkit, and Adjunct Professor at the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

The CostumeCore Toolkit project will provide a toolkit to users, in order to streamline the process of setting up standards-based, interoperable metadata for collections related to the study of historic clothing. The VRAF Project Grant will allow Ms. Kirkland to update current templates in CSV/Excel formats, create plug-ins for Omeka S, templates and vocabulary for JSTOR Forum, and provide RDF extensions of VRA Core, incorporate AAT/EFT Uniform Resource Identifiers in CostumeCore, and create plugins and modules to support micro-thesauri for linked data. The CostumeCore Toolkit is currently utilized at Smith College and Vassar College, and will continue to be built-out with CostumeCore Toolkit user testing with those Colleges, Visual Resources Association members, and Costume Society of America members input and feedback. The project will allow the CostumeCore Toolkit to be available to the public under a Creative Commons BY- SA license.

In accordance with its mission to support broad access to visual information, the VRAF is pleased to support a project that extends metadata schemas and standards, and dissemination of templates about visual culture into expanded fields of inquiry.

The VRAF Project Grant Program reflects the broad mission of the VRAF to advance knowledge in the field of visual resources and image management and to provide educational and training opportunities in support of broad access to visual information in the digital age. For more information about the VRAF, the VRAF Project Grant, and other VRAF programs, please visit

On behalf of the VRAF Board of Directors

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