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VRA Bulletin | Winter 2024

VRA Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 2 (2024): 

The Root of Things: Grounding the Digital Humanities in an Increasingly Groundless World

The Winter 2024 issue of the VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is now available. This issue seeks to tackle how we, as digital humanists, archivists, librarians, and otherwise find solid ground to work from as we face an onslaught of precarity exacerbated by systemic injustice. Explore the new issue of the VRA's fully open access journal below: 



Letter from the Guest Editors

Alanna Prince, Cassie Tanks, Ángel David Nieves



Grounding Digital Scholarship in the Analog: Reimagining Library Fellowships Post-Pandemic

Amanda Licastro, Roberto Vargas

Queens United: Building a Descendant Community Network

Joni Floyd, Kevin Porter


About the VRA Bulletin

The VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is the journal of the Visual Resources Association (VRA), a multidisciplinary, international organization dedicated to furthering image management education and research by providing leadership in the field, developing and advocating standards, and offering educational tools and opportunities for the benefit of the community at large. The VRAB is a fully open access journal and issues are available to anyone immediately upon publication. All costs of publishing are borne by the Visual Resources Association; there is no cost to the authors in order to publish.

Interested in publishing in the VRAB? Information about the submission and publication process is available on the VRAB website.

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VRA Bulletin | 50th Anniversary Edition (2024)

The 50th Anniversary Edition of the VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is now available. This special edition celebrates 50 years of VRAB and all of the editors, advisors, and authors who have contributed to its legacy. Explore the new issue of the VRA's fully open access journal below.

VRA Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 1 (2024): 50th Anniversary Edition

The 50th Anniversary Edition of the VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is now available. This special edition celebrates 50 years of VRAB and all of the editors, advisors, and authors who have contributed to its legacy. Explore the new issue of the VRA's fully open access journal below. 



Letter from the Editors:

50th Anniversary Edition



2024 VRA State of the Association Address

John Trendler


Fiscal Year 2023 Visual Resources Association Treasurer's Report

Ann McShane



"Members Helping Members" – The VRA Travel Awards Program

Allan T. Kohl


Looking Back, Looking Forward:

50 Years of the Visual Resources Association Bulletin

Sara Schumacher


Encouraging Flexibility in Our Approach to Copyright:

An Interview with Nancy Sims

Sara Schumacher, Nancy Sims



Toward a Decolonial Archival Praxis:

Digitizing the Lloyd Best Archive in Trinidad and Tobago

Christina Bleyer, Amanda Matava


Capturing the Hidden Legacies of Route 66 in New Mexico:

Centennial Documentation Projects and Programs Honoring the Mother Road, Its People, and Stories

Audra Bellmore, Donatella Davanzo


Interactive Topography with IIIF:

Open Access to Photographs from the Ernest Nash Fototeca Unione Collection

Maureen Burns, Lavinia Ciuffa



Review of The Visual Elements - Photography: A Handbook for Communicating Science and Engineering

Ann Bell

About the VRA Bulletin

The VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is the journal of the Visual Resources Association (VRA), a multidisciplinary, international organization dedicated to furthering image management education and research by providing leadership in the field, developing and advocating standards, and offering educational tools and opportunities for the benefit of the community at large. The VRAB is a fully open access journal and issues are available to anyone immediately upon publication. All costs of publishing are borne by the Visual Resources Association; there is no cost to the authors in order to publish.

Interested in publishing in the VRAB? Information about the submission and publication process is available on the VRAB website.

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VRA Bulletin | Fall/Winter 2023

VRA Bulletin Vol. 50 No. 2 (2023): Fall/Winter

 The Fall/Winter 2023 issue of the VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is now available. Explore the new issue of the VRA's fully open access journal. 



2023 VRA Awards Recipients & Recognition

Ann McShane


Mobilizing the Values of Our Profession: An Interview with Marika Cifor

Sara Schumacher, Marika Cifor



Capstone Innovation: Supporting Art History Students’ Digital Projects at American University

Samuel Sadow, Melissa Becher

“I love getting to share my art with other people”: Undergraduate Studio Art Student Perceptions of Visual Culture

Sarah Carter, Jackie Huddle

The VRA Core in a Digital Library of Artistic Production

Vania Mara Alves Lima, Marina Macambyra


Review of “Copyright: Best Practices for Academic Libraries”

John Hosford

About the VRA Bulletin

The VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is the journal of the Visual Resources Association (VRA), a multidisciplinary, international organization dedicated to furthering image management education and research by providing leadership in the field, developing and advocating standards, and offering educational tools and opportunities for the benefit of the community at large. The VRAB is a fully open access journal and issues are available to anyone immediately upon publication. All costs of publishing are borne by the Visual Resources Association; there is no cost to the authors in order to publish.

Interested in publishing in the VRAB? Information about the submission and publication process is available on the VRAB website.


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VRA Bulletin | Spring/Summer 2023

VRA Bulletin Vol. 50 No. 1 (2023): Spring/Summer

 The Spring/Summer 2023 issue of the VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is now available. Explore the new issue of the VRA's fully open access journal. 



2023 Mid-Year State of the Visual Resources Association

John Trendler

Fiscal Year 2022 Visual Resources Association Treasurer's Report

Ann McShane


Centering Humans and Humanity in Visual Resources: An Interview with Rebecca Y. Bayeck, Ph.D.

Sara Schumacher

The "Life Cycle of Visual Assets": Advocating for the Profession

Carolyn Lucarelli, Betha Whitlow

Beyond Translation: Translating VRA Core 4.0 into Chinese

Xiaoli Ma



Comparative Study and Expansion of Metadata Standards for Historic Fashion Collections

Dina Smith-Glaviana, Wen Nie Ng, Caleb McIrvin, Chreston Miller, Julia Spencer



Review of "Global Debates in the Digital Humanities"

John J. Taormina

Review of "Artefacts, Archives, and Documentation in the Relational Museum Review"
Jennifer Galipo

About the VRA Bulletin

The VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is the journal of the Visual Resources Association (VRA), a multidisciplinary, international organization dedicated to furthering image management education and research by providing leadership in the field, developing and advocating standards, and offering educational tools and opportunities for the benefit of the community at large. The VRAB is a fully open access journal and issues are available to anyone immediately upon publication. All costs of publishing are borne by the Visual Resources Association; there is no cost to the authors in order to publish.

Interested in publishing in the VRAB? Information about the submission and publication process is available on the VRAB website.


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VRAB Call for Papers: Digital Humanities Special Issue

Call for Papers for the VRA Bulletin Fall/Winter 2024 Special Issue

The Root of Things: Grounding the Digital Humanities in an Increasingly Groundless World

Guest Editors: Apartheid Heritages

This issue seeks to tackle how we, as digital humanists, archivists, librarians, and otherwise find solid ground to work from as we face an onslaught of precarity exacerbated by systemic injustice. “The Root of Things” will feature contributions by invited scholars, including leading scholars in the field. This is a peer-reviewed issue, and we invite all genres and projects of academic writing, including standard journal articles, state-of-the-field essays, and metareflections on previous experiences. Scholars and practitioners at all career stages, including students, and those from different disciplines are encouraged to submit an abstract. Abstracts for articles co-authored with community collaborators/co-creators or abstracts from community engagement offices are not just welcomed but encouraged.


  • August 15, 2023: submit short abstracts of about 250-300 words

  • September 15, 2023: editors will notify contributors

  • February 15, 2024: articles are due for submission

  • June 2024: peer-review edits will be returned

The publication of the special issue is planned for late Fall 2024.

Link to the complete Call for Papers:

About the VRA Bulletin

The VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is the journal of the Visual Resources Association (VRA), a multidisciplinary, international organization dedicated to furthering image management education and research by providing leadership in the field, developing and advocating standards, and offering educational tools and opportunities for the benefit of the community at large. The VRAB is a fully open access journal and issues are available to anyone immediately upon publication. All costs of publishing are borne by the Visual Resources Association; there is no cost to the authors in order to publish.

Explore the VRAB Archives:

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VRA Bulletin | Fall/Winter 2022

VRA Bulletin Vol. 49 No. 2 (2022): Fall/Winter

The Fall/Winter 2022 issue of the VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is now available. Explore the new issue of the VRA's fully open access journal.


ASSOCIATION NEWSVRA Baltimore Awards: Exceptional Contributions to the Visual Resources Field in 2022Maureen Burns

REVIEWSReview of MHz CurationistAkeem FlavorsReview of "Metadata Best Practices for Trans and Gender Diverse Resources"Briana MeyerCopyright Management by Design: Review of The Copyright Management Guidelines for Cultural Heritage InstitutionsChelsea Stone

PERSPECTIVESDeep Dives into Digital Cultural Heritage Practices: An Interview with Diane ZorichSara Schumacher

Slides as Artifacts of Nostalgia: Personal and Professional RuminationsLael Ensor-Bennett

FEATURE ARTICLESUncovering Connections: CAQDAS and Tropy for Art Historians and ArchaeologistsKayla Olson

About the VRA Bulletin

The VRA Bulletin (VRAB) is the journal of the Visual Resources Association (VRA), a multidisciplinary, international organization dedicated to furthering image management education and research by providing leadership in the field, developing and advocating standards, and offering educational tools and opportunities for the benefit of the community at large. The VRAB is a fully open access journal and issues are available to anyone immediately upon publication. All costs of publishing are borne by the Visual Resources Association; there is no cost to the authors in order to publish.

Interested in publishing in the VRAB? Information about the submission and publication process is available on the VRAB website.

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Call for Reviewers for VRAB Fall/Winter 2022 Issue

Want to be more involved in the VRA Bulletin (VRAB)? Sign up to be a reviewer! Check out the list of resources available to review for the Fall/Winter 2022 issue below, and email Sara Schumacher with your selection by October 7th. You can also suggest additional resources for review. Reviews will be due by November 1st. Learn how to submit

Available resources to review for the Fall/Winter 2022 Issue:



  • Moore, Rountrey, A., & Kettler, H. S. (2022). 3D Data Creation to Curation. Association of College & Research Libraries. Open access link.
  • Sandy Hervieux, & Amanda Wheatley. (2022). The Rise of AI: Implications and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries. Association of College and Research Libraries.

Standards/Guidelines/Best Practices

Scholarly Articles

  • Travis Wagner (2022) Body-Oriented Cataloging as a Method of Inclusive Gender Representation, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2022.2089795
  • Treshani Perera (2022) Description Specialists and Inclusive Description Work and/or Initiatives—An Exploratory Study, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2022.2093301
  • Brian Dobreski, Karen Snow & Heather Moulaison-Sandy (2022) On Overlap and Otherness: A Comparison of Three Vocabularies’ Approaches to LGBTQ+ Identity, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2022.2090040
  • Cho, H., Pham, M.T.N., Leonard, K.N. and Urban, A.C. (2022), "A systematic literature review on image information needs and behaviors", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 78 No. 2, pp. 207-227.


Digital Exhibitions

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VRA Bulletin Call for Papers

The Visual Resources Association Bulletin (VRAB), a fully open access journal published by the Visual Resources Association, is accepting submission of news, editorials, perspectives, reviews, interviews, and lesson plans, as well as double-blind peer reviewed research articles.Our content covers all aspects of the life cycle of visual assets, from conceptualization to use, and the workflows, technologies, standards, and best practices relevant for each phase. This may include project planning, acquisition, digitization, metadata and cataloging, database management, collection development, curation, instruction, outreach, preservation, digital scholarship, visual literacy, and intellectual property.Of particular importance is highlighting and addressing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility needs and concerns within each life cycle phase.We welcome submissions from professionals, including those in their early career or still in graduate school, that work with visual resources in a variety of contexts including educational, corporate, and nonprofit institutions. You do not need to be a VRA member to submit.We accept submissions on a rolling/on-going basis and will publish them in the next available issue after acceptance. See our Information for Authors for more information on the submission and publication process.Please contact the VRAB content editor, Sara Schumacher, with any inquiries.

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Sara Schumacher Appointed VRA Bulletin Content Editor

On behalf of the VRA Executive Board, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Sara Schumacher to the position of VRA Bulletin Content Editor.The VRA Bulletin is a journal of professional practice documenting the research, ideas, projects, activities, and history of the Visual Resources Association as well as the broader work of information professionals in image management. Articles authored by members of the Association and like-minded information professionals from outside VRA cover a wide range of topics.Sara is the Architecture Image Librarian at Texas Tech University, a position she has held since January 2018. Prior to this, Schumacher was the Technical Services Librarian and Art History Instructor at the University of the Cumberlands (2011-2017). She received her BA in Art History from the University of Texas at Austin (2005), MA in Art History from the University of Oregon (2007) and her MS in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin (2011).Sara has editorial experience through a contracted book with ACRL Press where she is a section editor working with six chapters and their associated editors. She has been an active member of the VRA, most recently serving on the Executive Board as Vice President for Conference Program from 2019 to 2021. Sara’s term as VRA Bulletin Content Editor will begin in July 2022, when she will assume responsibility for the Fall/Winter issue.The Board would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to outgoing Content Editor Jasmine Burns for their service to the Bulletin.Sincerely,Margaret C. McKeePublic Relations and Communications OfficerVisual Resources Association

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OPPORTUNITY: VRA Bulletin Content Editor

The Executive Board is now accepting applications for the position of Content Editor for the VRA Bulletin, our association’s open access journal! We encourage all members to consider this opportunity to gain experience in editorial work, writing, open access, and electronic publishing. The Bulletin is published twice per year and the Content Editor is compensated $750 per issue. The Content Editor’s term length is four years in order to ensure continuity of Bulletin leadership, but the term length may be renewed or reduced subject to Board approval.The term will officially commence in July 2022, with the incoming Content Editor taking responsibility for the Fall/Winter issue after training with current Content Editor Jasmine Burns over the summer. They will also have the advantage of partnering with the VRA Bulletin Production Editor Amy Lazet and working closely with peer reviewers and copy editors.The board would like to express our sincere gratitude to Jasmine for their service to the Bulletin! Over the past two years many in our community had conference panels canceled or converted to a virtual format. By encouraging the adaptation of these presentations into articles, Jasmine and Amy were able to solicit wonderful content for the Bulletin.The mission of the VRA Bulletin is to serve the membership of the VRA by providing a professional forum for the discussion and dissemination of ideas and information directly related to the field of visual resources. It is a journal of professional practice documenting the research, ideas, projects, activities, and history of the Visual Resources Association as well as the broader work of information professionals in image management. Articles authored by members of the Association and like-minded information professionals from outside VRA cover a wide range of topics including:

  • digital imaging and digital projects
  • cataloging and classification systems
  • historical collections and archives
  • digital humanities
  • data standards
  • education and professional development
  • intellectual property rights and copyright
  • library systems
  • collection development
  • digital curation and preservation
  • visual literacy and instruction
  • professional standards and ethics

A detailed charge and characteristic duties and responsibilities of the position follow below. To apply, please send a brief statement of interest, highlighting your relevant experience and skills, to Margaret McKee, VRA Public Relations and Communications Officer.The deadline for applications is Thursday, May 12, 2022.***Content Editor, VRA Bulletin Charge:To solicit and select news articles, professional information, and manuscripts for publication and to manage content uploaded to the electronic journal system. Partners with the Production Editor to plan and supervise the preparation and publication of the VRA Bulletin in electronic form.Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities:The VRA Bulletin Content Editor is appointed by and reports to the VRA Executive Board. The term of appointment is four years and any change in term is subject to Board approval. The term may be renewed or reduced by the Board. The VRA Bulletin Content Editor works in conjunction with the Production Editor.General

  • In partnership with the Production Editor, plan and supervise the preparation and publication of the electronic VRA Bulletin.
  • Develop and maintain editorial staff, peer reviewers, and occasional guest editors.
  • Establish and maintain working relationships with Executive Board, Production Editor, Membership Services Coordinator, and attend Communications and Publications Group meetings at the annual conference whenever possible.
  • Maintain VRA Bulletin editorial working files related to content.


  • Define and develop the content of the publication.
  • Send out calls for content at least two times a year.
  • Solicit and select articles, professional information, and manuscripts for publication.
  • Work with editorial staff to review content and ask authors for revisions or copy editing.
  • Make final decisions on the content for each issue.
  • Oversee the progress of materials for publication, including editing for style, content, and organization.
  • Write publication copy as needed.
  • Communicate with the Production Editor on content readiness.


  • Prepare the Mid-Year and Annual reports for the Executive Board with the Production Editor and include any budgetary information and requests.
  • Work with the Executive Board to keep the electronic journal current with trends in electronic scholarship.
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Bulletin Bulletin

Exciting VRA Bulletin News

Dear VRA Colleagues, 
On behalf of the VRA Executive Board, I am delighted to share some exciting news about the VRA Bulletin, our open access journal. 
It is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of Jasmine Burns, Cornell University, to the position of VRA Bulletin Content Editor.  As a former two-term Executive Board Secretary, Jasmine has a deep knowledge of the VRA and an exciting vision for the Bulletin's future that builds upon the recent adoption of an open access and peer review model.  Her term will officially begin at the Annual Business Meeting in Baltimore next month. 
The board is also most sincerely grateful to Hannah Marshall,The Chinati Foundation, for her dedicated service and leadership over the past four years as both VRA Bulletin Production Editor and Content Editor. 
I am also very pleased to announce that our VRA Bulletin Production Editor Amy Lazet, College for Creative Studies, has completed the migration of the Bulletin to Open Journal Systems, an open source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals.  This new platform will provide improved access to our journal for readers, greater ease for our authors and editors, and significant cost savings for the association.  Visit the VRA Bulletin site to see the improvements first-hand.  Amy has exciting design ideas for the site as it gets more established. 
I invite you to be on the look out for Jasmine and Amy's next call for submissions, publish in the VRA Bulletin, and share in its success. 
All best wishes,
Amy McKenna
VRA Public Relations and Communications Officer
Williams College
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Choose Your Own VRA Adventure and Apply Today

Dear VRA colleagues,It's a new year and a great time to reflect on your career path and your professional development goals.  Have you considered charting a course that benefits both you and the VRA?  Serving as an appointee for the VRA strengthens your leadership abilities and helps you learn new skills that easily transfer to the workplace.  The VRA is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community and all members are encouraged to apply.

The VRA Executive Board is now accepting applications for two engaging and rewarding appointee positions: Jobs Digest Coordinator and VRA Bulletin Content Editor.  Which one is right for you?

Jobs Digest CoordinatorAre you interested in learning more about how the profession is expanding and changing in exciting ways? Perhaps you would like to serve the VRA and build your resume while you job hunt?  This volunteer appointment may be the ideal opportunity for you.

Charge:  The Jobs Digest Coordinator compiles and distributes job and paid internship opportunities to all interested parties, highlighting the diverse nature of available positions in the field.  The Jobs Digest Coordinator reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.

For more details, see the characteristic duties and responsibilities of this position below.

The two-year term will commence on March 25, 2020 at the Annual Business Meeting in Baltimore.  You need not be present at the conference to serve.  The candidate will have the opportunity to train with the current Jobs Digest Coordinator Kendra Werst to make the transition a smooth one.  Kendra has done an exceptional job and the board is most grateful for her service and that of Jasmine Burns, the originator of the digest.

VRA Bulletin Content Editor

Would you like to develop leadership skills in digital publishing and open access?  Do you have a passion for writing and editorial work looking for an outlet?  Does your employer place high value on your editorial and publishing pursuits?  This paid appointment may be an excellent match.

Charge:  To solicit and select news articles, professional information, and manuscripts for publication and to manage content uploaded to the electronic journal system. Partners with the Production Editor to plan and supervise the preparation and publication of the VRA Bulletin in electronic form.  

For more details, see the characteristic duties and responsibilities of this position below.

The three-year term will officially commence on March 25, 2020 at the Annual Business Meeting in Baltimore.  You need not be present at the conference to serve.  The Bulletin is published twice per year and the Content Editor is compensated $750 per issue. The candidate will have the opportunity to train with current Content Editor Hannah Marshall.  The board wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Hannah for her service to the Bulletin as both Content Editor and Production Editor over the past four years. The Content Editor will also have the advantage of partnering with the VRA Bulletin Production Editor Amy Lazet and working closely with peer reviewers and copy editors.The mission of the VRA Bulletin is to serve the membership of the VRA by providing a professional forum for the discussion and dissemination of ideas and information directly related to the field of visual resources. It is a journal of professional practice documenting the research, ideas, projects, activities, and history of the Visual Resources Association as well as the broader work of information professionals in image management. Articles authored by members of the Association and like-minded information professionals from outside VRA, cover a wide range of topics including: digital imaging and digital projects; cataloging and classification systems; historical collections and archives; digital humanities; data standards; education and professional development; intellectual property rights and copyright; library systems; collection development; digital curation and preservation; visual literacy and instruction; and, professional standards and ethics.How to Apply for Either Position:Please send a brief statement of interest, highlighting relevant experience and/or skills to Amy McKenna ( deadline for applications is Monday, February 10, 2020. Thank you for considering these vital and rewarding positions.Amy McKennaPublic Relations and Communications Officer, VRA Executive BoardJobs Digest CoordinatorCharacteristic Duties and Responsibilities:  The Jobs Digest Coordinator is responsible for collecting relevant job and paid internship opportunities and compiling a weekly digest sent via a digital marketing platform, currently Mailchimp.  This board-appointed position searches for job postings on websites such as indeed, LinkedIn jobs, Metro 599, and other relevant sites, and also subscribes to other job digests, such as Archives Gig.  The coordinator also receives opportunities emailed directly to them via  The scope of available positions is kept intentionally broad to not limit the definition of the field.  Positions are added to a digital newsletter template, which frequently includes VRA marketing messages such as conference travel awards, VRA Foundation internship awards, etc.  The VRA Jobs Digest is scheduled for delivery weekly and the coordinator manages the mailing list, which also allows for self-subscription and removal options, and the digest archive.  This position interacts with the Social Media Manager and the Website Content Manager to feature the jobs digest on VRA social media and term of appointment is two years with the possibility of renewal upon request. Annual reports to the Executive Board are required and the board reserves the right to request a Mid-Year report.  The Jobs Digest Coordinator should expect to spend 2 hours or less per week in this capacity.VRA Bulletin Content EditorCharacteristic Duties and Responsibilities:The VRA Bulletin Content Editor is appointed by and reports to the VRA Executive Board.  The term of appointment is four years and any change in term is subject to board approval.  The term may be renewed or reduced by the board.  The VRA Bulletin Content Editor works in conjunction with the Production Editor.General

  • In partnership with the Production Editor, plan and supervise the preparation and publication of the electronic VRA Bulletin.
  • Develop and maintain editorial staff, peer reviewers, and occasional guest editors.
  • Establish and maintain working relationships with Executive Board, Production Editor, Membership Services Coordinator, and attend Communications and Publications Group meetings at the annual conference whenever possible.
  • Maintain VRA Bulletin editorial working files related to content.


  • Define and develop the content of the publication.
  • Send out calls for content at least two times a year.
  • Solicit and select articles, professional information, and manuscripts for publication.
  • Work with editorial staff to review content and ask authors for revisions or copy editing.
  • Make final decisions on the content for each issue.
  • Oversee the progress of materials for publication, including editing for style, content, and organization.
  • Write publication copy as needed.
  • Communicate with the Production Editor on content readiness.


  • Prepare the Mid-Year and Annual reports for the Executive Board with the Production Editor and include any budgetary information and requests.
  • Work with the Executive Board to keep the electronic journal current with trends in electronic scholarship
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Now Available: VRA Bulletin Spring/Summer 2019 (Volume 46 Issue 1)

Dear Colleagues, 

I am excited to inform you that the latest issue of the Visual Resources Association Bulletin has just been published and can be viewed here:

This issue is the first fully open access Bulletin and is readily available to anyone with an internet connection - readers no longer need to sign in or be a VRA member in order to read the newest research on topics in the field of visual resources. This first OA issue focuses primarily on two topics - intellectual property rights and metadata - and features a variety of perspectives on both subjects.

Many thanks to each of the issue’s contributors and a reminder that the Bulletin is currently accepting submissions for its Fall/Winter 2019 issue. If you’re interested in publishing, don’t hesitate to reach out to Content Editor Hannah Marshall to discuss your article idea ( The submission process can be started on the VRAB website at:

Enjoy the issue!

Contents of the issue:

Association News
Knab, Andreas (2019) “Visual Resources Association 2019 Annual Business Meeting: Treasurer’s Report,” VRA Bulletin: Vol. 46: Iss. 1, Article 1. 
Available at:

Feature Articles
Ciuffa, Lavinia (2019) “The Ernst Nash - Fototeca Unione Collection and the Project ‘The Urban Legacy of Ancient Rome’,” VRA Bulletin: Vol. 46: Iss. 1, Article 2. 
Available at:

Gavell, Lisa (2019) “Tagging the Artstor Digital Library: A New Look at Tried and True (and Some AI) Strategies,” VRA Bulletin: Vol. 46: Iss. 1, Article 3. 
Available at:

Schumacher, Sara (2019) “Unlocking the Public Domain,” VRA Bulletin: Vol. 46: Iss. 1, Article 4. 
Available at:

Lazet, Amy (2019) “Intellectual Property Rights: Film, Pedagogy, and United States Code Title 17,” VRA Bulletin: Vol. 46: Iss. 1, Article 5. 
Available at:

Burns, Maureen (2019) "The Rights Stuff: Ethical Desition-Making and Image use in a Commercial Context," Bulletin: Vol. 46: Iss. 1, Article 6. Available at:

Westbrook, Georgia (2019) “Review of "Rights and Reproductions: The Handbook for Cultural Institutions" (2nd ed.),” VRA Bulletin: Vol. 46: Iss. 1, Article 7. 
Available at:

Sincerely, Amy Lazet
Production Editor, VRAB

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Bulletin Bulletin

VRA Bulletin: Call for Content, Inaugural Open Access Issue

Dear Colleagues,

As part of the VRA Bulletin’s hybrid peer-review model, we’re able to continue accepting non-peer reviewed article submissions for the Spring 2019 issue through Friday, May 24th! The Spring 2019 Issue will be published in June as our inaugural Open Access issue.

We especially hope that, if you presented at VRA, you’ll take this additional window to adapt your presentation into an article. The Bulletin is flexible with the format and length of non-peer reviewed submissions, but some broad guidelines are listed below:

  • Feature articles: 2,000 - 5,000 words
  • Perspectives (opinion pieces): 1,000 - 3,000 words
  • Case studies & project updates: 500 - 2,000 words
  • Reviews: 250 - 1,000 words
  • Association news & reports - any length

There are two ways to get started publishing in the VRA Bulletin:

1. If you’d like to run your article idea by the editors before getting started, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Content Editor, Hannah Marshall (

2. If your article is written and ready-to-go, upload it directly to our online journal system by following these instructions


Hannah Marshall, Content Editor

Amy Lazet, Production Editor

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Bulletin Bulletin

Announcing Our New VRA Bulletin Editors

It is the great pleasure of the VRA Executive Board to announce the appointment of not just one editor, but two editors to the VRA Bulletin team. First, we welcome a familiar face to a new role. After three years serving the VRA Bulletin as Production Editor, Hannah Marshall will be stepping into the role of Content Editor. Second, we are most pleased to welcome Amy Lazet to the Bulletin as Production Editor. Both terms will officially begin January 2019 with a period of shadowing and training this fall. We wish to thank all members who considered joining the Bulletin team.The Bulletin is experiencing an exciting time of growth with recent peer-review options and an upcoming transition to open access. The Board is most grateful to current Content Editor Maureen Burns for over four years of service and leadership with a vision to the future, including an attention to detail that will ensure a smooth transition this fall.Congratulations to Hannah and Amy and the journal itself whose future is in very good hands!

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Bulletin Bulletin

Apply to Be the Next VRA Bulletin Content Editor

Are you interested in developing leadership skills in digital publishing and open access?

The Executive Board is now accepting applications for the position of Content Editor for the VRA Bulletin.  All members are encouraged to consider this important role for the VRA, especially if you have a background or strong interest in editorial work, writing, open access, and/or electronic publishing.  The Bulletin is published twice per year and the Content Editor is compensated $750 per issue.

The term will officially commence in January 2019, upon completion of Volume 45, by our current VRA Bulletin Content Editor Maureen Burns.  The candidate for Content Editor will have the opportunity to shadow and train with Maureen this fall in preparation for the transition in the new year.  Maureen has done a superb job, leaving a legacy that includes implementing peer-review and laying the groundwork for open access, and the board wishes to express our most sincere gratitude. The Content Editor will also have the advantage of partnering with the VRA Bulletin Production Editor, currently Hannah Marshall, and working closely with peer reviewers and copy editors.

The mission of the VRA Bulletin is to serve the membership of the VRA by providing a professional forum for the discussion and dissemination of ideas and information directly related to the field of visual resources. It is a journal of professional practice documenting the research, ideas, projects, activities, and history of the Visual Resources Association as well as the broader work of information professionals in image management. Articles authored by members of the Association and like-minded information professionals from outside VRA, cover a wide range of topics including: digital imaging and digital projects; cataloging and classification systems; historical collections and archives; digital humanities; data standards; education and professional development; intellectual property rights and copyright; library systems; collection development; digital curation and preservation; visual literacy and instruction; and, professional standards and ethics.

A detailed charge and characteristic duties and responsibilities of the position follow below.  To apply, please send a statement of interest and a short resume, highlighting your relevant education, experience, and any publications to Amy McKenna ( and/or Stephen Patton (  Queries about the position may also be sent to Stephen or Amy, or directly to Maureen Burns (

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, July 18.

Thank you for considering this vital and rewarding position.

Amy McKenna, VRA Public Relations and Communications Officer

Stephen Patton, VRA President

Content Editor, VRA Bulletin

Charge: To solicit and select news articles, professional information, and manuscripts for publication and to manage content uploaded to the electronic journal system. Partners with the Production Editor to plan and supervise the preparation and publication of the VRA Bulletin in electronic form.Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities:The VRA Bulletin Content Editor is appointed by and reports to the VRA Executive Board. The term of appointment is four years and any change in term is subject to Board approval. The term may be renewed or reduced by the Board. The VRA Bulletin Content Editor works in conjunction with the Production Editor.General

  • In partnership with the Production Editor, plan and supervise the preparation and publication of the electronic VRA Bulletin.
  • Develop and maintain editorial staff, peer reviewers, and occasional guest editors.
  • Establish and maintain working relationships with Executive Board, Production Editor, Membership Services Coordinator, and serves as member of the informal Publications Special Interest Group.
  • Maintain VRA Bulletin editorial working files related to content.


  • Define and develop the content of the publication.
  • Send out calls for content at least two times a year.
  • Solicit and select articles, professional information, and manuscripts for publication.
  • Work with editorial staff to review content and ask authors for revisions or copy editing.
  • Make final decisions on the content for each issue.
  • Oversee the progress of materials for publication, including editing for style, content, and organization.
  • Write publication copy as needed.
  • Communicate with the Production Editor on content readiness.


  • Prepare the Mid-Year and Annual reports for the Executive Board with the Production Editor and include any budgetary information and requests.
  • Work with the Executive Board to keep the electronic journal current with trends in electronic scholarship.
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VRA Bulletin v. 39, n.2, 2012

v38n1Open access to VRA Bulletin v. 39, n.2, 2012.The VRA Bulletin is the journal of the Visual Resources Association, an international association of image media professionals. The mission of the VRA Bulletin is to serve the membership of the VRA by providing a professional forum for the discussion and dissemination of ideas and information directly related the field of visual resources. It is a journal of professional practice documenting the research, ideas, projects, activities, and history of the Visual Resources Association as well as the broader work of information professionals in image management. Articles authored by members of the Association and like-minded information professionals from outside VRA, cover a wide range of topics including: digital imaging and digital projects; cataloging and classification systems; historical collections and archives; data standards; education and professional development; intellectual property rights and copyright; library automation; collection development; digital curation and preservation; visual literacy and instruction; and, professional standards and ethics.

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