Apply to be the VRA Social Media Manager

Dear VRA colleagues,

Are you interested in expanding your social media skills in Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, while serving the VRA in a dynamic outreach role?
The Executive Board is now accepting applications for the position of Social Media Manager.  All members are encouraged to consider this important appointment for the VRA, especially if you are fluent in social media platforms and skilled in marketing and/or writing.  The Social Media Manager is a volunteer position appointed by the Executive Board.

The two-year term will commence on July 1, 2019.  The candidate will have the opportunity to shadow and train with the current Social Networking Coordinator Kendra Werst in June to make the transition a smooth one.  Kendra has done an outstanding job expanding and elevating the Association's social media presence and the board wishes to express our sincerest thanks.  She has worked with me to update the appointment's title and charge, and to draft characteristic duties and responsibilities (see below).  She also designed the wonderful graphic featured above.

To apply, please send a statement of interest, highlighting relevant experience to Amy McKenna (  Queries about the position may also be sent to me or directly to Kendra Werst (

The deadline for applications is Friday, May 31.

Thank you for considering this exciting and rewarding position.

Amy McKenna
VRA Public Relations and Communications Officer

Social Media Manager

The Social Media Manager engages in outreach for the VRA through the creation and management of content published to VRA social media accounts, increasing the visibility of the Association’s online presence.  The Social Media Manager reports to the Public Relations and Communications Officer.

Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities:
The Social Media Manager is responsible for communicating with VRA entities and allied/affiliated organizations to obtain, create, and facilitate current content for VRA’s social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Posts should be timely and demonstrate the wide breadth of topics encompassed by the VRA.  This board-appointed position utilizes a social media management tool, such as Hootsuite, to schedule and publish content across social media platforms.  This approach streamlines the workflow, promoting consistent messaging and alleviating the urgency of real-time posting.  An important aspect of this position is to interact with and support the social media profiles of the VRA Foundation and other related organizations and groups on behalf of the VRA.  The Social Media Manager is expected to reach out to VRA committees, advisory groups, task forces, appointees, and regional chapters to collaborate on special projects, such as the Intellectual Property Rights Committee’s social media takeover for Fair Use week.

The term of appointment is two years with the possibility of renewal upon request. Annual reports to the Executive Board are required and the board reserves the right to request a Mid-Year report.  Depending on the time of year and level of Association activity, the Social Media Manager should expect to spend at least 2-5 hours per week in this capacity.  Time-sensitive updates may require a same-day response.


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