Apply now! VRA 2022 Project Grant

DEADLINE: May 27, 2022The Visual Resources Association 2022 Project Grant application period is now open. This grant program supports projects which reflect the VRA's mission to advance education, research, and outreach in the field of visual resources and image management.  A single grant is available during the spring 2022 cycle with up to $3000 to be awarded. This funding may be used for a stand-alone project, a pilot or start-up financing for a larger project, or for a significant component of a larger project. In general, collaborative projects and those proposed by groups, whether or not affiliated with an organization or institution, are encouraged. In addition, innovative projects that result in a broader impact and be shared throughout the global community are of particular interest. Due to the Coronavirus, we encourage applicants to submit proposals that can be accomplished remotely.  Categories to be considered for funding include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:  

  • Metadata for Visual Media 
  • Visual Media Cataloguing Standards 
  • Visual Media Data Standards 
  • Digitization Projects of Special or Unique Collections (Educational Institutions, Libraries, Museums) 
  • Visual Literacy 
  • Technology Development for Visual Media Management and Pedagogy 
  • Intellectual Property Rights  

The project must be completed within one year from the time the grant is formally accepted. The grant will be disbursed in two increments: $1500 at the start of the granting period, and $1500 pending the submission of a mid-project progress report. A final report, including a financial statement, on how the funds contributed to the project is due within one month of the project’s completion. Failure to complete the proposed project may result in the grantee returning the funds.  More information about the Project Grants, including the application form and previous recipients, can be found on the Visual Resources Association's website.For full consideration, please submit your application by Friday, May 27, 2022, 11:59PM Pacific Time. The recipient of the VRAF Project Grant will be announced by June 3, 2022. The Visual Resources Association has United States Internal Revenue Service status as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit entity. All elements of a proposed project must be performed within the legal parameters of United States local, regional, and federal government requirements. International applications are welcome from institutions or individuals provided applicant institutions have the equivalent of US non-profit status, and applicant individuals have a similar non-profit, educational purpose. If you have further questions about the Project Grant Program or the application process, please contact the VRA Executive Board Grants Officers.On behalf of the VRA Executive BoardRobb DetlefsBonnie Rosenberg


OPPORTUNITY: VRA Bulletin Content Editor


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