Announcing the VRA Travel Awards Endowment! ✈

The Visual Resources Association (VRA) is thrilled to announce the establishment of the Travel Awards Endowment. Founded through the generosity of a fellow VRA member, the fund provides long-term support for the Travel Awards program. 

We’re off to a great start, but we need your help to grow the endowment! 💰💰💰

Our goal is to get the Travel Awards Endowment to its first milestone, $15,000, by the end of 2023. To get us rolling, the donor has generously offered $5,000 as a base fund. To provide additional inspiration to potential supporters, they have also agreed to match the first $5,000 in donations. 🎉

Since sharing news of the endowment at the annual conference last week we have received $1,800 in contributions from our community, which will be matched. That means the fund currently stands at $8,600 in pledges. Help us make our goal of $15,000 by donating today!

All donations made toward the fund increase the total amount of funding available to the Travel Awards program each year. Your tax-deductible contribution enriches the professional lives of your visual resources colleagues by making conference participation more accessible. Many of us have benefited from the Travel Awards program; it’s time to give back! 

No donation is too small--and remember, whatever you give will be doubled until we hit $5,000 in matching funds!

Please consider donating today. 💙



Announcing the Recipients of VRA Awards!


2023-2024 VRA Project Grant Call for Applications