Visual Resources Emerging Professionals and Students (VREPS)


The Visual Resources Emerging Professionals and Students group exists as a special interest group of the Visual Resources Association. Its purpose is to be a supportive forum and resource for image management professionals with less than 10 years of experience. Therefore, VREPS is committed to the dissemination and promotion of employment, professional development, and networking opportunities specific to the needs of new professionals and students. VREPS will foster an environment in which questions and information may be exchanged freely.

The VREPS Blog

The VREPS website exists to help foster a collegial exchange of professional development opportunities, job openings, and other information relevant to image management. With this in mind, we ask contributors and commenters to maintain a professional tone in any dialogue added to the website. VREPS strives to promote a constructive dialogue on a range of topics, some of which may be viewed as controversial within the field, so we ask our contributors and commenters to be mindful of keeping this forum a safe place to express ideas from the generally accepted to the dissenting.

Following these guiding principles:

(1) VREPS is firmly committed to the free speech rights of its contributors, and the moderators will never edit any posts or comments. However, the editors reserve the right to remove content that is deemed to be offensive, abusive, threatening, illegal or obviously spam. When content is removed, the moderators will post the reason for removal. Content judged to be spam, however, will be removed without notice.

(2) The moderators may at any time revoke a contributor’s authoring or commenting access for violations of the kind mentioned in (1).

Any views expressed on this website do not represent the views of the VREPS, the Visual Resources Association or any other organization.