VREPS/ArLiSNAP Fall 2019 Virtual Conference

ArLiSNAP (Art Library Students and New ARLIS Professionals) and VREPS (Visual ResourcesEmerging Professionals and Students) are pleased to announce our 2019 FallVirtual Conference: Accessing the Arts: Trends, Innovations, and Challengesfor the Information Professional. The conference will take place at 1-3PM CST October 26, 2019.

To register for this free event, visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/7699807761594124043 . After registering,you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining thewebinar.

As information professionals, we are charged not only with stewarding our collections, but with fostering meaningful connections for our constituents. As such, providing access in physical and virtual spaces as diverse as our collections and our roles within them.

Our webinar will include three presentations which will be followed by a time for Q&A between our presenters and conference attendees. Our presenters will be:

Anna Boutin-Cooper and E Marcovitz, Franklin & Marshall College
One Summer, Two People, & a Zine Backlog: a How-To for New Catalogers

Jackie Fleming, Indiana University
Education Before Access: Why Every Art Librarian Should Have Basic Knowledge of Copyright Law and Legal Issues Related to Their Collections

Will Fenton and Ann McShane, The Library Company of Philadelphia
Redrawing History: Innovation through Artistic Reinterpretation

Hilary Wang and Lauren Haperstock, ArLiSNAP Conference Planning Liaisons and Masters of Library and Information Science students at Pratt Institute and University of Arizona respectively, will moderate the discussion

Registration will close two hours before the start of the webinar. Forassistance, please contact webinars@arlisna.org.

Hilary Wang and Lauren Haberstock
ArLiSNAP Conference Planning Liaisons
(hwang63@pratt.edu; lhaberstock@email.arizona.edu)


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