VRA33 Early Bird rates end tomorrow, Friday, Feb 6

Dear VRA colleagues,In a few weeks’ time VRA 33 attendees will be arriving in the exciting city of Denver for a diverse program complete with interesting sessions, tours and workshops, informative presentations, engaging social events and networking opportunities, etc.   Don’t miss out.  Here’s a timely reminder that reduced Early Bird registration rates end tomorrow, Friday, Feb 6.  Take advantage of the savings now.For complete VRA 33 information, go to:  http://www.vraweb.org/conferences/vra33/To register, go to:  http://www.vraweb.org/conferences/vra33/registrationOn behalf of the VRA Executive Board, we look forward to seeing you in Denver. A big THANKS to everyone who has already registered for VRA 33!All the best,Steven______________________________________________________Steven Kowalik, MSLSVice President for Conference Program, Visual Resources Association


VRA 33 Registration ENDS this Friday, Feb. 20th


VRA Affiliated Society Session at CAA's 103rd Annual Conference