VRA LA 2019: Conference Survey: Attendees and Non-Attendees

Dear colleagues,

The VRA Executive Board is already hard at work preparing for future conferences, but we need your voice to ensure everyone can benefit from conference activities.

Attendees of the VRA 2019 Annual Conference in Los Angeles should have received last week, an email invitation to complete a post-conference survey. With your experiences in Los Angeles still fresh in your mind, the VRA Executive Board would greatly appreciate it if you would take 10-15 minutes to complete the 28-question survey and share your comments and suggestions. If you did not receive this invitation, here is a link to the survey for attendees:

If you did not attend VRA 2019, we would also like to hear from you, to gain some insight into why you didn’t attend this year, and to hopefully get some feedback that will make it more likely that you will attend future conferences. Here is a link to the survey for non-attendees:

Your responses will give the Executive Board guidance as we plan the programming for the 2020 Baltimore conference. The surveys are anonymous, so please be open and honest with your feedback. The surveys will close on Friday, May 3rd, 2019.

Again, thank you to everyone that participated in the 2019 conference, and thank you for taking the time to assist us as we consider ways to improve future VRA conferences. Please feel free to contact me directly (vpcp@vraweb.org) if you have any questions or concerns.


Sara Schumacher
Vice President for Conference Program
Visual Resources Association


Robb Detlefs, 2019 VRA Distinguished Service Award Winner


VRA LA 2019: Conference Photos