VRA Election Results

I am pleased to report the outcomes of the recent VRA election, held November 1-30, 2017.Please join me in congratulating and welcoming our incoming Executive Board members, who will take office at the Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 in Philadelphia.

  • Vice President for Conference Arrangements: Lael Ensor-Bennett, Johns Hopkins University
  • Public Relations and Communications Officer: Amy McKenna, Williams College
  • Treasurer: Andreas Knab, vrcHost, LLC

On behalf of the Executive Board, I would like to warmly thank Jen Kniesch, along with all of our candidates, for being willing to serve the Association in leadership roles. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the Nominating Committee: Steven Kowalik (Chair), Allan Kohl, Cindy Abel Morris, and Elaine Paul, with special thanks to Allan Kohl and Cindy Abel Morris for serving as election tellers.Many thanks to the membership for voting on these important Association matters.Best wishes,Jen Green


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