VRA Core 4.0 to Linked Data Conversion

As part of completing his MLIS from Kent State University, Jeff Mixter published a thesis paper entitled "Linked Data in VRA Core 4.0: Converting VRA XML Records into RDF/XML". In the Study Jeff took the existing VRA Core 4 data model and successfully mapped it into an RDF Linked Data ontology that uses both existing VRA terms as well as popular semantic RDF vocabulary terms (in particular Schema.org and FOAF).  Jeff currently works at OCLC in the Office of Research and serves as a member of the VRA Oversight Committee.
More information about the project as well as links to download the thesis and supporting resources can be found at http://purl.org/jmixter/thesis/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::VRA Core on the WebVRA Core Schemas and Documentation (Library of Congress Official Site)VRA Core Support Pages

Introduction to VRA Core Webinar Hosted by NEDCC - 10/30/2013


Call for VREPS Participants, VRA Milwaukee 2014