VRA Core 4.0 Chinese Translations Now Available!

The Visual Resources Association Cataloging and Metadata Standards Committee (CaMS) is excited to share a Chinese translation project for VRA Core 4.0 led and assisted by members from VRA’s CaMS Committee and a group of five library professionals from American institutions. The VRA Core is a data standard for the description of works of visual culture as well as the images that document them.This team began the project to translate the VRA Core 4.0 Element Description into traditional and simplified Chinese in January 2021. The translation project went through multiple revisions before bilingual scholars and practitioners in the U.S., Taiwan, and P.R. China were invited to review the drafts. All reviewers have years of experience with cultural heritage metadata. In response to reviewers’ suggestions on the translation and formatting, the group carried through more rounds of modification and now presents to the communities the current versions:Traditional Chinese VersionSimplified Chinese VersionIn addition to congratulating the team on completing this amazing project for our community, we encourage you to share your thoughts via our feedback form. We are especially interested in feedback on the following points:

  • Are the translations of the key concepts accurate, e.g. element names?
  • Are the format and the structure of the translation easy to follow?
  • Any suggestions on the formatting, for instance, the accessibility of the content, like table in google doc and then in PDF?
  • Any issues?
  • Comments/Suggestions

The deadline for feedback is July 18, 2022.Following the conclusion of the feedback period, the final versions of the translations will be hosted on the Library of Congress VRA Core page.Thank you to the following participants for your dedicated work on this project!Project Lead: Xiaoli Ma, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of FloridaDTP: K. Sarah Ostrach, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford UniversityTranslators: Ching-jung Chen, The City College of the City University of New York Libraries; Sai Deng, University of Central Florida Libraries; Xiaoli Ma, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida; Jane Pen, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida;Reviewers: Sophy Shu-Jiun Chen, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Charlene Chou, New York University Library; Fan Wei, Sichuan University, P. R. China; Carol Ng-He, Center for the Art of East Asia, The University of Chicago; Shu-Wen Lin, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Marcia Lei Zeng, School of Information, Kent State University--Leah ConstantineChair, VRA Cataloging and Metadata Standards Committee (CaMS)


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