VRA 2024: Call for Posters!

The annual conference of the Visual Resources Association (VRA) is hybrid this year, meeting in person in Minneapolis, MN, as well as virtually from October 8–10, 2024. The Visual Resources Association is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to furthering research and education in the field of image management within the educational, cultural heritage, and commercial environments.


The VRA Conference Planning Committee welcomes applications for in-person poster presenters at the conference. Unfortunately, at this time there is no virtual option for posters. The poster session will be held Wednesday, October 9, 4:30 p.m. CDT. The conference’s full schedule of events is available at https://vra2024.sched.com

The application deadline is Monday, July 8, 11:59 p.m. PDT 

A poster session presents a topic using visual aids in conjunction with direct interaction with conference attendees. Posters can depict workplace initiatives, research in progress, and other topics of contemporary interest. Presenters will stand with their posters and engage directly with conference attendees. Posters can be displayed in the traditional manner using a physical poster board or by using up to 3 presentation slides. The VRA will not be able to provide laptops for use in the poster sessions.

Suggested topics include:

• Community outreach

• Copyright/intellectual property

• Digital asset management, digital curation, digital preservation, etc.

• Digitization (workflows, digital capture and imaging technologies)

• Digital scholarship and digital humanities

• Diversity, equity, inclusion, cultural competencies, social justice

• Project management (communication, grant writing, prioritization, leadership, etc.)

• Linked data

• Materials/Objects collections

• Metadata/Cataloging ethics (decolonizing vocabularies, radical cataloging)

• Technologies (GIS and mapping, 3D imaging, etc.)

• Tools: open source, evolution, future trends

• Workplace cultures and professional transitions (academic departments, libraries,

cultural heritage institutions, archives, corporate, etc.)

This is not an exhaustive list! All ideas are welcome and will be carefully reviewed.


Poster presenters are responsible for printing their materials and mounting them in the display area at the conference ahead of the scheduled viewing time. If using presentation slides, presenters will need to bring their own laptops. Easels and tables will be provided.


How to submit your poster proposal:

Please fill out the form linked below by Monday, July 8th at 11:59 p.m.

Submit A Poster Proposal Here

The form asks for a 250-word statement describing your poster as well as its title. Applicants will be notified if their proposals have been accepted or not by July 18. If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please contact the VRA Directors for Events and Initiatives at initiatives@vraweb.org.


VRA Bulletin | 50th Anniversary Edition (2024)


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