VRA 2022: Attendee Portal

Are you attending VRA 2022? If so, keep reading. This email covers how to access the online content and provides tips to help plan your schedule.First, whether attending the Pre-Conference, Conference, or both, definitely take advantage of the online program on Sched. Sign in at vra2022.sched.com to:

  • select your local timezone;
  • filter the schedule by type of content or venue (Zoom or the Conference Hotel);
  • and save sessions, workshops, and events you plan to attend to your account.

Under your account settings, you can also:

  • personalize your profile, adding information that will help you connect with others;
  • and ask Sched to email you each morning to remind you what you planned for the day.

Is what you have planned for the day online? All access to the online conference content during the Pre-Conference and Conference will be through the Attendee Portal, linked at the top of our conference website.  Page accessibility in the Attendee Portal is tied to your registration. If you have any issues with access, send an email to info@vraweb.org.Once again this year our online conference platform is Zoom. Most sessions and workshops will be in the Zoom Meeting format, to allow for more interactive Q&A. The Keynote Address, Annual Business Meeting, and Awards Ceremony will be in the Zoom Webinar format."See" you Monday for the start of the Pre-Conference. There is still time to register!


VRA 2022: Sponsors and Land Acknowledgment


VRA 2022: Social Events