VRA 2021: The Lifecycle of Visual Assets

The conference schedule is jam-packed with sessions for all types of visual asset professionals. Transcending the differences in our workplaces and position titles, we all engage with materials and people along the visual asset management lifecycle.Circle divided into colored sections with vra in center. Around the perimeter is the lifecycle of visual assets: conceptualization, capture, description, management, access, preservation, and use.The Lifecycle was identified by the VRA Identity Task Force reflecting key points of practice and professional interest. The VRA 2021 virtualChicago conference can be filtered according to these lifecycle categories to create programming tracks. You can click on the links below to find events, sessions, and workshops that align with these categories.Lifecycle of Visual Assets wheel highlighting Conceptualization, which includes consultation, project planning, workflow design, system & standards selection, and best practicesSched Lifecycle Category: ConceptualizationLifecycle of Visual Assets wheel highlighting Capture, which includes acquisition, digitization, photography, and creationSched Lifecycle Category: CaptureLifecycle of Visual Assets wheel highlighting Description, which includes metadata and cataloguing standards and authoritiesSched Lifecycle Category: DescriptionLifecycle of Visual Assets wheel highlighting Management, which includes database/DAMS, collection development, curation, and distributionSched Lifecycle Category: ManagementLifecycle of Visual Assets wheel highlighting Access, which includes delivery, discovery, instruction, and outreachSched Lifecycle Category: AccessLifecycle of Visual Assets wheel highlighting Preservation, which includes data integrity, migration, storage, and de-accessioningSched Lifecycle Category: PreservationLifecycle of Visual Assets wheel highlighting Use, which includes digital scholarship, visual literacy, intellectual property, and transformation

Sched Lifecycle Category: Use

Submitted by Sara Schumacher, Vice President of Conference Program



VREPS Spring Sessions


VRA 2021: Workshops