VRA 2017: Volunteer Studio

Hello VRA members,Just a reminder that the VRA's 2017 Annual Conference is fast approaching (March 29-April 1), along with the early-bird rate deadline (February 28th). Here is a link to the program and here is a link to the registration page.If you haven't done so already, please remember to register for the VRA Volunteer Studio, which is FREE and the VRA Foundation is generously sponsoring. Everyone is welcome!The VRA Volunteer Studio will take place on Thursday, March 30th from 12:10 – 2:10pm and includes lunch!Lunch items will feature local favorites such as one of Louisville's more famous dishes, the hot brown. But, if you are not into open-faced sandwiches covered with turkey, bacon, and creamy sauce, there will be vegetarian options available as well.After lunch, the Studio facilitators (representing diverse aspects of the profession and the Association) will offer opportunities for attendees to engage in “real-life” issues/projects that are being addressed within the Association. I, for example, will be facilitating a discussion table that represents the VRA Executive Board, and would like to talk with anyone who is interested about our changing professional roles and the future of the VRA. So, if you've ever had questions about how your skills might align with the needs of the VRA in meaningful ways, the nitty-gritty of Association work, or the benefits our volunteers gain from active participating in the VRA--the Studio will be a place for you to explore those questions. Or--just come for lunch and observation. Either way, the Volunteer Studio will provide a multi-directional learning and conversation space for all.To helps us get a general sense of our catering needs for the Volunteer Studio, please remember to select it on your conference registration form as an event that you will be participating in.If you have already registered, and need to make that selection retrospectively, please email Jasmine Burns and she will make the adjustment on your behalf.Have a great weekend!Jen


Fair Use Week


VRA 2017 Keynote Speaker: Brent Seales