The Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) announces the 2019-20 Regional Workshop series

The Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) is pleased to announce the 2019-20 Regional Workshop series:

November 22, 2019: Beyond Licenses: Integrating Creative Commons,, and Traditional Knowledge into Permissions Practices at the University of Denver with instructor Anne Young, Head of Rights and Reproductions, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Newfields.

March 13, 2020: Can We Do That?: Intellectual Property Rights and Visual Media at Occidental College Library with instructor Cara Hirsch, Deputy Head of Legal and Business Affairs at The Virtual Reality Company.

May 22, 2020: Collaborating Across the Institution: Creating Professional Partnerships to Support Cultural Heritage at the University of Michigan Library with instructor Jackie Spafford, Images Resources Curator, University of California, Santa Barbara.

May 29, 2020: From Project to Product: Effective Project Management and Strategic Planning at the University of Toronto Mississauga with instructor Shyam Oberoi, Chief Digital Officer, Royal Ontario Museum.

In the 2019-20 season, we’re delighted to expand the Regional Workshop program in two important ways. The host applications were open to international institutions for the first time and we received several strong international applications. The University of Toronto Mississauga will host the inaugural international VRAF Regional Workshop with veteran instructor Shyam Oberoi’s new project management and strategic planning workshop.

The “propose your own workshop” option was exercised by the University of Denver in their host application. The Regional Workshop team has matched their request with instructor Anne Young, who can delve into a deeper understanding and utilization of Creative Commons licenses,, and Traditional Knowledge labels with collection objects to expand existing permissions practices at galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs). Join us for the first workshop of the 2019-20 season on Nov. 22, Beyond Licenses: Integrating Creative Commons,, and Traditional Knowledge into Permissions PracticesRegister today to save your spot!

The Regional Workshop Implementation Team welcomes your questions, comments, and feedback at and looks forward to the exciting developments of the 2019-20 season! This workshop series reflects the VRAF mission to promote scholarship, research, education, and outreach in the fields of visual resources and image management. The VRAF is grateful to the Samuel H. Kress Foundation for their continued support of this exciting opportunity to partner with cultural heritage and educational institutions.


The current members of the RWIT:

Beth Haas, VRAF Director
Sonya Coleman, VRAF Workshop Coordinator
Meghan Rubenstein, VRAF Senior Workshop Liaison 

On behalf of the VRAF Board of Directors


Reminder: Join the New VRA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee


Meet the 2019 Executive Board Candidates: Meghan Rubenstein, Public Relations and Communications Officer