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Election Results

Dear VRA colleagues,I am pleased to report the outcomes of the recent VRA membership vote, held November 1-30, 2014.Please join me in congratulating and welcoming our incoming Executive Board members, who will take office at the Annual Business Meeting in Denver, March 13, 2015.President-Elect: Jen Green, Plymouth State University Secretary: Jasmine Burns, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Vice President for Conference Program: Chris Strasbaugh, Vanderbilt UniversityOn behalf of the Executive Board I would like to warmly thank all of the candidates for being willing to serve the Association in leadership roles. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the Nominating Committee: Jolene de Verges (Co-Chair), Robb Detlefs, Marcia Focht, Jeannine Keefer (Co-Chair), and Heidi Raatz, with special thanks to Robb Detlefs and Heidi Raatz for serving as election tellers.The following are the results for the votes on the amendments to the VRA Constitution and Bylaws:Amendment to VRA Constitution, Article VII (New): RELATIONS WITH THE VRAF: Passed with a 90% margin Amendment to VRA Bylaws, Article III: NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Passed with a 90% margin Amendment to VRA Bylaws, Article V: DUTIES OF OFFICERS: Passed with a 90% margin Affiliation with the Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC): Passed with an 89% marginMany thanks to the membership for voting on these important Association matters.Best wishes,Elaine

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VRA33 Conference Website Launch

Dear VRA colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the launch of the Visual Resources Association’s 33 Annual Conference website.  Thanks go to my fellow board members for their input and special appreciation goes to John Trendler, Public Relations and Communications Officer, for his creativity and hard work in making the site a reality.

VRA 33 takes place in beautiful Denver, Colorado, from March 11 to 14, 2015, at the Westin Denver Downtown hotel.  Early Bird conference registration begins December 5 so mark your calendars.  Access the site via Upcoming Conferences or directly here http://www.vraweb.org/conferences/vra33/.  Check back often for news and updates.

I would like to convey my sincere thanks to the record number of individuals who submitted conference proposals.  Program topics represent a broad range of interests:  transitional media, usability testing, digital humanities, image rights and reproductions, copyright, mapping and geospatial projects, new technologies, digital asset management, crowdsourcing, cataloging, embedded metadata, sharing collections, professional advancement, archives, research data management, visual literacy and visualization, etc.  (n.b., Submitters of accepted proposals can expect to hear from me soon so as to confirm your event’s details.)

Don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any concerns/questions regarding VRA 33.

Happy weekend,


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Nominations sought for Secretary of the Executive Board

Good afternoon membership!

The nominating committee continues to seek nominations of the post of Secretary to the Executive Board.  This seat will come vacant at the 2015 annual meeting.  If you are interested in getting involved with the leadership of the VRA, or know someone who is, please consider a nomination to the post.  The Secretary is in charge of conference pre-registration, keeps minutes of all VRA meetings and handles other official paperwork for the organization.  If you are interested in serving on the Executive Board, please feel free to contact previous Board Officers; they would be happy to share their experiences and reflections of their time in office.  The Committee encourages members to place qualified individuals or themselves in consideration for nomination by contacting one of the Co-Chairs.

Also, attached is the Board compensation policy.

For more information please consult Articles III, IV, and V of the VRA Bylaws.  The VRA Organizational Policies and Procedures manual provides detailed descriptions of each office and may be found in the My VRA section (you must login to Memberclicks) of the VRA website under Community —> Info: (https://vra.memberclicks.net/assets/documents/vra_policies_procedures2011.pdf).

If you have further questions please feel free to contact:

Jeannine Keefer, Nominating Committee Co-ChairBoatwright Memorial LibraryUniversity of Richmond, VA 23172804.289.8275Jkeefer@richmond.edu


Jolene M. de Verges, Nominating Committee Co-ChairDirector, Hamon Arts LibrarySouthern Methodist UniversityPO Box 750356Dallas, TX  75275-0356214-768-1855  Fax 214-768-1800jdeverges@smu.edu

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Good afternoon membership!  

Three positions on the Executive Board – President Elect, Vice-President for Conference Programs, and Secretary – come vacant at the 2015 annual meeting.  The Nominating Committee, co-chaired by Jeannine Keefer, University of Richmond and Jolene de Verges, Southern Methodist University, is actively seeking nominations for these positions.

Running for office is an excellent way to serve the Visual Resources Association, get to know more of your colleagues in the field, and give yourself the opportunity to grow professionally.  If you are interested in serving on the Executive Board, please feel free to contact previous Board Officers; they would be happy to share their experiences and reflections of their time in office.  The Committee encourages members to place qualified individuals or themselves in consideration for nomination by contacting one of the Co-Chairs.

For the first year the President Elect performs such duties as the President may assign until taking over the office as President. The President serves as the executive officer of the organization, oversees and coordinates the activities of the other officers and the committees, convenes the Executive Board meetings, and represents the organization.

The Vice President for Conference Programs serves as program coordinator for the annual conference, working with the Vice President for Conference Arrangements, the Secretary and the Public Relations and Communications Officer. 

The Secretary is in charge of conference pre-registration, keeps minutes of all VRA meetings and handles other official paperwork for the organization.

For more information please consult Articles III, IV, and V of the VRA Bylaws, which can be found on the VRA website. The VRA Organizational Policies and Procedures manual provides detailed descriptions of each office and may be found in the My VRA section (you must login to Memberclicks) of the VRA website under Community —> Info.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact:

Jeannine Keefer, Nominating Committee Co-ChairBoatwright Memorial LibraryUniversity of Richmond, VA 23172804.289.8275Jkeefer@richmond.edu


Jolene M. de Verges, Nominating Committee Co-ChairDirector, Hamon Arts LibrarySouthern Methodist UniversityPO Box 750356Dallas, TX  75275-0356214-768-1855  Fax 214-768-1800jdeverges@smu.edu

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