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Seeking VRA Bulletin Content

Summer has arrived and perhaps you have a little more time to consider publishing in your journal of professional practice, the VRA Bulletin? This is YOUR journal, without YOUR participation, we can't publish. Catching up on your fun and professional reading at the lake, beach, mountains, desert, or wherever you like to relax, could perhaps inspire you to share your ideas on the burning issues that are currently engaging image professionals? As your new VRA Bulletin content editor, I welcome your articles, opinion pieces, experiences, and reviews or any suggestions about the kind of content that you would like to find in VRA's electronic journal. Take a look at the terrific articles in past issues, if you need inspiration, athttp://online.vraweb.org/vrab/ and think about how great it would be to see your name in print and your ideas reach a global audience.

For those of you who have organized sessions or presented at VRA conferences. You are great about sharing your Powerpoint slides on Slideshare, which is so valuable, but for those who cannot attend, it is always appreciated if you can fill that information out more in a narrative. Those who attend the conferences appreciate it too, since it is hard to get to everything. It is not very much work to formalize a conference presentation and add some visuals (of course), hyperlinks, footnotes, or other references to turn it into an article of interest. Please contact me if you have questions or if I can be of any assistance at moaburns@gmail.com and expect to hear more from me too. There is a great deal of information about how to submit at http://online.vraweb.org/vrab/submguide.html and Jason Miller, production editor at jnmiller@berkeley.edu, can help with any online system wrangling, if need be.

Don't be intimidated by length, as the electronic format provides lots of flexibility. To guide authors, we suggest, feature articles run about 2,000-5,000 words in length. This is the most formal format in which to share your research and experiences. But, a “perspectives” section provides the opportunity to write thoughtful and measured professional opinion pieces (about 1,000 to 3,000 words) on a particular subject or issue of interest. Members may also provide reviews of print publications, lectures, presentations, databases, online collections, software, standards, imaging equipment, etc. (250 to 1,000 words recommended). VRA's commercial partners are welcome to provide information about what is new with their products and businesses. Association news that should be a part of our permanent record will also be published in the VRA Bulletin.

So, jump in, the water is warm!

Happy summer,

Maureen Burns, Content Editor

Jason Miller, Production Editor

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