Submissions Are Now Being Accepted for the VRA Bulletin Fall/Winter 2019 Issue

We are now accepting submissions for our Fall/Winter 2019 issue! 

Because the Bulletin offers a hybrid peer review model, we can offer staggered submission deadlines based on whether or not an author is seeking peer review for their submission: 

  • Deadline for peer articles seeking peer review: October 15th, 2019
  • Deadline for articles not seeking peer review: November 8th, 2019

*If you’re interested in serving as a peer reviewer, please volunteer via email by writing to the Content Editor, Hannah Marshall at

The Bulletin publishes a wide range of article types that correspondingly range in length - some rough guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Feature articles: 2,000 - 5,000 words 
  • Perspectives (opinion pieces): 1,000 - 3,000 words
  • Case studies & project updates: 500 - 2,000 words
  • Reviews: 250 - 1,000 words
  • Association news & reports - any length

There are two ways to get started publishing in the VRA Bulletin:

1. If you’d like to run your article idea by the editors before getting started, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Content Editor, Hannah Marshall (

2. If your article is written and ready-to-go, upload it directly to our online journal system by following these instructions

Hannah Marshall, Content Editor
Amy Lazet, Production Editor


Apply to Host a 2019-2020 VRAF Regional Workshop


Now Available: VRA Bulletin Spring/Summer 2019 (Volume 46 Issue 1)