September EAC Community Hour: Virtual Coffee Break

How is it [halfway through] September already!? If you are anything like us, you've had an exceptionally busy summer and things don't appear to be slowing down anytime soon! The EAC cordially invites you to a "virtual coffee break" at our next Community Hour, on Tuesday, September 27 at 2:00pm EDT / 11:00am PDT. Bring your beverage and/or snacks of choice to take a breather, decompress a bit, and take a look ahead. We have some great ideas for our Community Hours in 2022-2023, but we want to hear from you too! What can the EAC community do for you to help promote DEI in our field? What would you like to learn more about in the coming months? What challenges are we all facing right now? Hope to see you in the Zoom "break room"!Do you have a specific question or topic to discuss? Add it to the discussion prompt section in the Community doc here.Click here to register for EAC's Community Hour! Have an idea for a future Community Hour? Share your idea with this form!Best,Lael and LesleyEAC Co-Chairs


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