October EAC Community Hour: Personal & Professional Positionality

Join the EAC and our special guest Sara Schumacher on Wednesday, October 26 at 2:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m. PDT to discuss how you can create your own social identity profile by using positionality maps and power wheels. We will reflect on how our identities impact how we perceive images and thereby our jobs as visual resources professionals. When we understand our unconscious biases and relationship to power, what responsibilities do we have and what actions can we take?To learn more about intersectionality, positionality, and privilege, visit this infographic from the University of Michigan’s Center for Social Solutions.Sara Schumacher is the Architecture Image Librarian at Texas Tech University. Her research interests include visual literacy instruction, ethics, and bias.Click here to register for EAC's Community Hour! Have an idea for a future Community Hour? Share your idea with this form!Best,Lael and LesleyEAC Co-Chairs


VRA Jobs Digest 10/13/22


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