Member Benefit: VRA Year Round Mentor Program

Did you know one of the benefits of VRA membership includes networking and professional guidance opportunities through the Year Round Mentor Program? Keep reading ...Year Round Mentor ProgramThis fun and collegial program matches mentors (VRA members for 3 years or more who are reasonably well acquainted with the Association) with mentees (any VRA member seeking new connections within the Association or professional guidance from peers), at any time during the year.How does it work?Mentees: Your mentor will contact you via phone or email. If living close by, your mentor may make arrangements to meet you in person, if that is possible. Your mentor will talk to you about the local VRA chapter (if there is one in the area), and invite you to the chapter meetings. Your mentor will make introductions, make you feel welcome to the Association, and answer questions or provide guidance on matters related to visual resources concerns that they feel qualified to counsel on.Mentors: Contact your mentee via phone or email. If living close by, make arrangements to meet them in person, if that is possible. Talk about the local VRA chapter (if there is one in the area), and invite your mentee to the chapter meetings. Make introductions, make them feel welcome to the Association, and answer questions or provide guidance on matters related to visual resources concerns that you feel qualified to counsel on.How long does it last?While we hope that many mentors will form lasting professional associations with their mentee, the mentoring commitment can be understood to consist of a few phone calls to field questions, a face to face meeting if that is possible, and invitations and introductions at local chapter meetings or at the Annual Conference. This type of commitment can be discharged within 1 to 6 months depending upon the schedule of the local chapter or Annual Conference.How do I sign up?Potential Mentors and Mentees are asked to complete a questionnaire. This will assist the Mentor Coordinator in making the best match possible. The first priority will be to match members within the same local chapter. Members outside the area of a local chapter will be matched with the next best suitable member.Mentee Application Application more information, visit httpS://


VRAF Regional Workshops: Call for Host Site Applications


Reminder: VRA Los Angeles 2019: Call for Proposals