EAC Community Hour: Strategizing Together: Navigating Remote Work Boundaries

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend our first Community Hour--we had a really great discussion! One main takeaway was that folks were interested in strategies for navigating discussions with their supervisors and administration in their unique institutional work situation.For our next hour, to be held on Tuesday, May 5th, 2 pm EST/ 11 am PST, we would like to give everyone an opportunity to work together to address our specific concerns in the following areas:

  • Chronic illnesses
  • Privacy
  • Work/Life Separation
  • Consensus bias
  • Admin/Supervisor Relations
  • Inappropriate Appearance Expectations

'How do we ask for more privacy without having to share why we don’t want to show our space during a video call or disclose the details of our personal/home life?'Send any specific questions in advance to Lael or Kendra (if you wish to remain anonymous please let us know) or bring your concerns to the Hour (where you can still be anonymous via private chat to the moderator)! We will discuss the issues and work out targeted responses or plans of action (including role play situations, as warranted).

We would like to focus this Hour on discussion and activity. Below, we provide some readily available resources and articles that you may find relevant or helpful. If you have any suggestions on readings or resources, please feel free to share.

Registration Open! VRA Webinar: Stories from the Start


EAC Community Hour: Acknowledging Employee and Student Privacy During Quarantine