Call for Applications: 2025-2026 VRA Professional Development Grant

The Visual Resources Association (VRA) is pleased to invite applications for the 2025-2026 VRA Professional Development Grant. Applications are accepted February 3 – March 14, 2025.


The VRA Professional Development Grant awards up to $2,000 to support professional development in the field of visual resources and cultural heritage information management. The grant can be used to participate in a professional development opportunity of the grantee’s choosing (e.g., a conference, symposium, or workshop), or to enroll in relevant research activities (e.g., hands-on field work or a site visit for scholarly purposes). Priority will be given to applications that

  • enable a leadership role at an event, including, but not limited to, giving a paper, teaching a workshop, or chairing a committee; 

  • support research that shows promise to lead to publication and contributes to the visual resources and cultural heritage information management community; and 

  • provide evidence that receiving the grant will benefit the applicant as well as an institution, community, or region.

A complete description of the Professional Development Grant and application instructions are available at


Please share this announcement with anyone who might be interested.


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