August EAC Community Hour: Vocational Awe in GLAMs

We hope you will join the EAC on Wednesday, August 17th 3:00-4:00pm EDT / 12:00-1:00pm PDT for our August Community Hour: Vocational Awe in GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums). Independent scholar and consultant Fobazi Ettarh defines ‘Vocational Awe’ as “the idea that libraries as institutions are inherently good. It assumes that some or all core aspects of the profession are beyond critique, and it, in turn, underpins many librarians’ sense of identity and emotional investment in the profession.” Although the term originated in the library world, we plan to discuss how it can cover many areas of the GLAM work world.If your schedule allows, we strongly encourage attendees to review the resources listed in the Community Hour doc in advance of attending the Hour as we will be discussing these materials. If not, please join us anyway!As always, we do not record the community hours to encourage free and open discussion.Do you have a specific question or topic to discuss? Add it to the discussion prompt section in the Community Hour doc.Click here to register for EAC's Community Hour! Have an idea for a future Community Hour? Share your idea with this form!Best,Lael and LesleyEAC Co-Chairs


VRA Bulletin Call for Papers


VREPS Cover Letter and Resume Review coming August 12