2018 VRA Election & Constitution and Bylaws Vote Results

Dear VRA Members,

I am pleased to announce the names of the newly elected VRA Executive Board Officers.  Congratulations to:

Jeannine Keefer (Visual Resources Librarian and Art and Art History Liaison in Boatwright Memorial Library at the University of Richmond) was elected to the office of President-Elect.

Marsha Taichman (Visual Resources & Public Services Librarian at Cornell University) was elected to the office of Secretary.

Sara Schumacher (Architecture Image Librarian at Texas Tech University) was elected to the office of Vice President for Conference Program.

New officers will begin their terms on March 27, 2019, at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting during the VRA Conference in Los Angeles.  We are looking forward to working with these terrific new VRA Board members.

On behalf of the Executive Board and the VRA membership, I sincerely thank these dedicated and active members who are contributing their time and energy in service to the Association in a leadership role where they will participate in shaping its future.

Please join me in congratulating Jeannine, Marsha, and Sara!

Results of the ballot question (recommended by the VRA Constitution and Bylaws Task Force with Executive Board endorsement):

Adoption of the proposed revisions to the VRA Constitution and Bylaws:

116 votes Aye; 2 votes Nay; 4 no selection – PASSED

Total ballots returned was 122.

I would like to thank Allan T. Kohl and the members of the Nominating Committee, who developed this year’s slate of excellent candidates, along with Krystal Boehlert and Elaine Paul, who served so efficiently as the election tellers.  Also, please join me again in thanking the members of the VRA Constitution and Bylaws Task Force, for their thoughtful and thorough review of the VRA Constitution and Bylaws. Chaired by Allan Kohl and Stephen Patton the members of the Task Force were Marcia Focht, Heidi Rempel, Lael Ensor-Bennett.

Warm regards,

Stephen Patton
VRA Executive Board President


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