About the Chapter

The New England Chapter of the Visual Resources Association was founded in 2003. The Chapter provides professional development and networking opportunities for members of the Visual Resources Association residing or professionally active in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Regional Chapter only memberships are available and intended for potential VRA members, who primarily want to participate in regional activities, but may not yet want to be as involved in the central Association.

The chapter meets twice a year, usually in the late spring and fall, for educational programming, chapter business, and cultural activities related to our field.  A networking activity is planned each year at the national VRA annual conference.

VRA New England Communications

The VRA New England Chapter communicates via Google Groups.  New members will be added to the Google Group after joining.  Please contact the chapter secretary with any questions. If you are a current member looking for chapter documents, look here.

Chapter Officers

  • Otto Luna

    Chapter Chair

    Visual Resources Librarian

    University of New Hampshire

  • Amanda Matava

    Chapter Secretary

    Digital Archivist

    Trinity College

  • Caitlin Pereira


    Visual Resources Librarian

    Massachusetts College of Art and Design

How to Join

To Become a Member of VRA New England visit the VRA Join page to bundle your VRA national and chapter memberships.  If you wish to join the chapter separately from a national membership, a link to a form for Separate Chapter Memberships and Donations is also available. Yearly membership dues are $20.