About the Chapter
The Mountain West and Plains Chapter of the Visual Resource Association was officially formed in December 2014 to serve VRA members in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
Our chapter is committed to ensuring an active programming culture. We officially meet twice a year to conduct chapter business and programming but engage with each other throughout the year. Upon joining the chapter, you will be added to our Basecamp page. In, 2020, the Mountain West and Plains chapter was able to offer its first $500 Travel Award to help one of our members attend the annual conference.
Chapter Officers
Chapter Chair
How to Join
Membership is open to everyone, regardless of their membership in the Visual Resources Association. We have prorated membership pricing. $20 for regular and institutional members and $10 for students and retired members. To join, log in to My VRA (MemberClicks located in the sidebar) and select Separate Donations and/or Chapter Memberships.