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EAC Community Hour

EAC August Community Hour: Living in a Body in the Workplace, Part 1

Please join us on Wednesday, August 16 at 3:00pm EDT / 12:00pm PDT for a discussion of “Tackling Taboo Topics: A Review of the Three M's in Working Women's Lives”, by Alicia A. Grandey, Allison S. Gabriel, and Eden B. King (Journal of Management, Volume 46, Issue 1,

The Equitable Action Committee (EAC) is pleased to introduce Part 1 of "Living in a Body in the Workplace," our first Community Hour topical subseries. This is the first in the series, with future topics to include migraine and navigating the workforce as a chronically ill person.


"In North America and Western Europe, women now compose almost half the workforce but still face disparities in pay and promotions. We suggest that women’s natural experiences of the three Ms (i.e., menstruation, maternity, and menopause) are taboo topics in ways that may constrain women’s careers. We propose that the three Ms are particularly incongruent with expectations at intersecting career stages (i.e., a job market newcomer having menstrual discomfort, an early career professional breastfeeding, a company leader getting hot flashes), with implications for work outcomes."

Click here to register for EAC's Community Hour! We will email the Zoom meeting link one - two days before the meeting and/or you can request a calendar invitation!

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July 24

EAC Community Hour

September 26

VRA 2023 Conference